Using Socratic Questioning and CBT to Improve Mental Health

Socratic questioning is a widely used and highly beneficial therapy technique used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In fact, the Socratic method of questioning is a standard practice in psychotherapy, including other behavioral therapies. When engaging with Socratic questions, you practice deep, rational thinking to help you come to logical conclusions. Often, mental health disorders cause negative thinking patterns that aren’t based on reality. Thus, Socratic questioning is effective at teaching individuals better patterns of thinking, which also influences their feelings and responses.

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of behavioral therapy. This psychotherapy, or talk therapy, began in the 1960s and has remained a popular therapy method. Since its origin, it has been extensively studied and concluded to be effective for treating issues in children, adults, couples, and families. Notably, it’s an effective treatment for a number of behavioral disorders, trauma disorders, mood disorders, substance disorders, and dual diagnoses. CBT focuses on helping individuals recognize their negative patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Further, the concept of the CBT triangle connects feelings, emotions, and actions into one repetitive cycle. Because negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence each other to lead to overall unwellness, CBT breaks the cycle.

Key elements of CBT include rationality and logic. These principles are used when viewing one’s thoughts and feelings to assess them for validity. During therapy sessions, your behavioral therapist will help you identify and challenge your negative patterns. They will also help you replace bad habits with positive ones. One of the CBT techniques they may use is Socratic questioning.

What Is Socratic Questioning in CBT?

Socratic questioning is a teaching method that is utilized in cognitive behavioral therapy. The intention is for clients and therapists to have a conversation that leads to greater rationalization of their negative thoughts. The therapist will ask open-ended questions that lead the client to realize the answers are simple and true. Most importantly, they’ll realize the answers are in opposition to their original negative beliefs. A large part of Socratic questioning is the client coming to conclusions as led by their therapist. Thus, the individual forms a better sense of reality. This process is called cognitive restructuring because it leads people to reassess their thoughts and thinking habits.

Where Did Socratic Questioning Come From?

As the name indicates, the Socratic method of questioning originates with the famous philosopher Socrates. He believed a deep understanding of complex ideas could be gained from asking intentional questions. Notably, Socrates is attributed to developing the concept of critical thinking, which is a key part of cognitive behavioral therapy. As a whole, psychotherapy is largely influenced by Socratic questions. Therapists lead clients to discover truths about themselves by answering questions rather than giving out answers.

What Can Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Treat?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a beneficial treatment method for a wide range of mental health disorders. Typically, people with psychiatric disorders have similar negative thinking habits that are defined as cognitive distortions. For instance, they may engage in catastrophizing, predicting outcomes, overgeneralization, and focusing on the negative. Since many mental illnesses have such thinking patterns in common, CBT can treat them similarly. Its focus on the logical assessment of thoughts and feelings leads clients to better mental management.

CBT for Substance Use Disorders

Substance use disorders (SUD) include drug abuse and alcohol abuse. These mind-altering substances affect the brain by modifying neurochemistry over time. As such, SUD causes changes in one’s mood, behavior, and thinking, similar to the way mental disorders do. Substance use disorders are chronic conditions unless treated by a professional treatment center, as drugs and alcohol lead to lasting addiction. CBT helps individuals break free from the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors centered around their dependency on substances. As part of our intervention for substance addiction, we offer a complementary approach, including medication and traditional and holistic therapy.

CBT for Mental Health Disorders

Additionally, CBT is a beneficial treatment for mental illnesses, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders. Additionally, trauma-focused CBT is beneficial for trauma disorders like PTSD. In sum, mental illnesses that have symptoms of unhealthy or unrewarding thinking, feeling, or behaving can be treated with CBT.

CBT for Co-Occurring Disorders

Oftentimes, individuals with a substance use disorder also battle with a mental disorder and vice versa. The exact roots of co-occurring disorders vary on the case. Sometimes, poor mental health leads to substance abuse, while sometimes, heavy substance use leads to mental illness. Regardless of the onset, there is a strong link between SUDs and mental disorders. Cognitive behavioral therapy is just as effective at treating illnesses together as it is one-on-one. Because they are connected, they worsen each other. Thus, entering therapy for your connected issues is a wise choice.

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How Does Socratic Questioning During CBT Help?

CBT Socratic questioning asks open-ended questions to lead to deep thinking about a problem, such as a negative belief system. Markedly, the process is about dialogue that leads to a greater overall understanding, and sometimes there is no answer. Instead, the goal is to create more logical thinking habits rather than being led by personal emotions and thoughts. Thus, Socratic questioning in therapy helps the individual better understand themself and their situation. They can also better rationalize other people’s motivations, intentions, and behaviors. Then, in troublesome situations, the individual focuses on their response while staying open about the other person’s feelings or thoughts. Additionally, Socratic questions foster better critical thinking skills that a person can use when faced with triggers. CBT tends to be fairly short-term, as the individual learns tools and skills they carry with them into the future.

Identify Cognitive Distortions

As mentioned, cognitive distortions are thinking patterns many individuals struggle with across a wide range of mental health disorders. These thought habits can be automatic, emotion-based, and unrealistic. Yet, the person having the thought feels certain about their logic and can’t see other viewpoints. Cognitive behavioral therapy for cognitive distortions is an extremely helpful teaching. Essentially, individuals work to re-train their minds to dismiss distressing thoughts as they view each thought and feeling for validity.


One common cognitive distortion is catastrophizing, which is when one focuses on a negative outcome. People who get trapped in the pattern of catastrophic thinking naturally believe the worst possible outcome is most likely. Thus, their minds will dread the negative outcome they believe is coming. This can put them into a state of hopelessness. Additionally, catastrophizing leads to feelings of intense overwhelm about the situation when, in reality, it is manageable.

Black-and-White Thinking

Black-and-white thinking is a mental pattern where a person sees things under one of two poles. With this type of thinking, situations, people, and feelings fall under one opposite category, and there is no grey area. For instance, they will believe an outcome can either be amazing or terrible rather than somewhere in the middle.


Overgeneralizing is when one applies one situation or outcome to all other ones. To a large degree, overgeneralization leads people to form negative core beliefs. On the other hand, overgeneralizing can help you pinpoint a core belief that is triggering the thought. For example, an overgeneralization is that one rejection means you’re unlovable.

Promoting Alternative Perspectives

Socratic questioning in CBT helps individuals get outside of their heads and consider others’ perspectives. Sometimes, it can be impossible to understand other viewpoints on your own because you reach the end of your knowledge. However, with CBT, it’s possible to feel a greater sense of peace about others’ behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Your therapist may lead you through different cognitive reframing tasks, like considering other people’s perspectives about a situation.

Reframing Negative Thoughts

Additionally, positive reframing is a CBT technique where individuals practice intentionally shifting their negative focus to a positive one. For example, they could consider the positive side of a “bad” situation. They could also think about whether a negative outcome is more likely than a positive one and why. They will be led to consider the opposite to be truer. Such CBT practices retrain the brain to be more positively positioned.

Building Problem-Solving Skills 

Through thought reframing, alternate perspective exploration, and asking deep questions, CBT clients develop problem-solving abilities. In fact, the ability to problem-solve independently is one goal of CBT. Then, when faced with situations in their daily life, clients can tackle them in healthy ways.

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Examples of Socratic Questioning During CBT

Clearly, asking Socratic questions is a beneficial practice that helps improve the mental health symptoms of cognitive distortion. The six types of Socratic questions are:

  • Questions for clarification
  • Questions that address assumptions
  • Questions that ask for evidence
  • Questions about perspective
  • Questions that address consequences
  • Questions asked about questions

If you still aren’t sure what the Socratic question method looks like, here are some Socratic questioning examples.

  • What are the consequences of that assumption?
  • What’s the worst-case scenario, and how likely is it to happen?
  • What is a different way to look at it?
  • What’s the evidence for and against this belief?
  • Is this an assumption, or do I know it is accurate?

Finding a Therapist Who Offers Socratic Questioning During CBT

If you’re ready to begin the process of cognitive behavioral therapy for your mental health, Aliya Health Group is a great place to start. Our licensed therapists are well-trained in the Socratic method. They are equipped to lead you to develop better thinking habits.

Along with Socratic questioning in behavioral therapy, we offer a variety of therapy techniques to help individuals heal from unhealthy patterns. Please know there is no shame in needing help to manage your mental illness symptoms. Our mental health services can help you overcome your mental disorder, substance use disorder, and co-occurring issues. Please reach out today to begin CBT therapy at one of our comfortable facilities.

Radically Open DBT: How This Therapy Approach Can Help You Heal

Radically open DBT is an evidence-based psychotherapy designed to help individuals who struggle with specific mental and behavioral health challenges. Whereas dialectical behavioral therapy helps people accept and manage their emotions, RO-DBT focuses on the struggle of overcontrol. While less talked about, overcontrol is an issue that ranges from moderate to severe. In many cases, it leaves the individual feeling trapped inside themselves while struggling to open up to others and new life experiences. Let’s talk through radically open DBT to discuss who it’s for and how it can help.

What Is Radically Open DBT?

Radically open dialectical behavioral therapy (RO-DBT) is a form of dialectical behavioral therapy. Dr. Thomas R. Lynch created RO-DBT in the early 2000s based on DBT concepts. DBT itself is part of the larger picture of behavioral psychotherapy, which is a therapy that treats unhealthy patterns and destructive habits. Often, people who enter behavioral therapy have mental health disorders. As such, RO-DBT was created for people with personality disorders who also struggle with overcontrol and emotional inhibition. For example, overcontrol can look like perfectionism, which commonly shows up in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and eating disorders. As a result of emotional blocking and over-control, individuals can self-isolate and struggle with interpersonal relationships. RO-DBT is offered through behavioral therapists and mental health treatment centers, including Aliya Health Group.

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Dialectical behavioral therapy was developed from behavioral therapy concepts in the 1970s by psychologist Marsha Linehan. Cognitive behavioral therapy is another popular behavioral therapy treatment which DBT stems from. CBT focuses on rationalizing negative patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and then working to improve them. Similarly, dialectical behavioral therapy has the same focuses but with an additional emphasis on emotional regulation. In fact, DBT teaches clients to accept their negative thoughts, emotions, and actions but also works to change them. This fosters a greater sense of self-worth and acceptance amidst the pain and frequent shame of mental illness.

Radically Open DBT vs DBT: What’s the Difference?

Dialectical behavioral therapy is a beneficial treatment for those with mental health disorders with symptoms of poor emotional regulation. DBT was originally created to treat borderline personality disorder, but it can also help with behavioral disorders, trauma disorders, and symptoms of self-harm. However, individuals who struggle with these issues but also have symptoms of overcontrol and emotional inhibition benefit more from RO-DBT. This is because RO-DBT was explicitly designed to help individuals overcome their controlling habits and guarded emotions.

What Is Emotional Overcontrol?

Emotional overcontrol is a behavior pattern that acts as a defense mechanism. Usually, emotional overcontrol stems from childhood experiences. People can struggle with overcontrolling their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Commonly, this develops into perfectionism, emotional inhibition, restrictive behaviors, and fear of vulnerability. Because overcontrol is a coping mechanism, people associate core beliefs with their overcontrolling tendencies. They may believe showing vulnerability makes them weak. They may doubt their ability to make choices about their life and instead resort to social isolation. There are a variety of reasons behind overcontrol. Common mental health disorders that exhibit overcontrolling tendencies are:

  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
  • Avoidant personality disorder (APD)
  • Paranoid personality disorder (PPD)
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Melancholic personality disorder (MDD)

Emotional overcontrol is a damaging coping mechanism. It can block the individual from being known by others, lead to low self-worth, and reduce their quality of life. RO-DBT addresses overcontrolling tendencies to help individuals break out of their patterns.

What Does Radically Open DBT Treat?

Dialectical behavioral therapy is an ideal treatment for a variety of mood disorders, behavioral disorders, and substance use disorders (SUD). This is because the treatment is effective at helping people with emotional and psychological distress. Understandably, individuals who are struggling with a disorder often find themselves trapped in their thoughts and feelings. The cycle can be repetitive and challenging to break free from without outside intervention. DBT is a recommended treatment for people who experience destructive emotions, including the urge to self-harm. This form of DBT is especially recommended for people who struggle with overcontrol in their disorders.

Radically Open DBT for Addiction

Many people around the world struggle with addiction. Substance use disorders (SUD) affect millions of people around the globe. Roughly 48.7 million people in the United States age 12 and older have a substance use disorder. Addictions include drugs and alcohol, but also food addiction and eating disorders. This form of DBT for substance abuse benefits people with addictive tendencies and dependence on substances. The treatment teaches coping strategies and behavioral modification to aid in the process of overcoming addiction.

Radically Open DBT for Mental Health

As discussed, RO-DBT is recommended for a variety of mental health disorders, including many personality disorders. Radically open DBT for mental health is most beneficial for those who battle inner control issues and struggle to open up emotionally.

Radically Open DBT for Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders are disorders that co-exist at the same time in a person. For example, having both alcohol use disorder (AUD) and melancholic personality disorder (MDD) is a case of dual diagnosis. In such situations, we believe it is important to treat both issues together as one larger problem. This is because disorders will always worsen each other, and treating only one issue doesn’t heal the root problems. In RO-DBT, you can learn how your co-occurring disorders are jointly affecting your mental health. You will learn tools to manage both disorders consecutively for a higher quality of life.

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What are the Core Principles of Radical Open DBT?

Radically open dialectical behavioral therapy has multiple core principles that shape its treatment approach. Knowing these main focuses of RO-DBT lets you better understand how it can help you in your mental health struggle.

Radical Openness

Radical openness is the main principle behind RO-DBT. It refers to a state of mind that determines behavior. The three features of radical openness are flexibility, social connection, and openness. To engage in radical openness is to pursue opportunities to face what you don’t know. Thus, it requires a willingness to be uncomfortable, humble, and let down your guard. Radical openness connects with RO-DBTs emphasis on mindfulness, yet radical openness is a way of life where you seek your unknown.


Self-inquiry is a mindfulness practice in RO-DBT. It leads individuals to search for themselves to find where their understanding ends and the unknown begins. This often looks like asking questions to help them find the “edge” of their knowledge. It’s easy to stay trapped in your head and circle through the same beliefs and ideas unproductively. Notably, the core basis behind self-inquiry is learning new things about yourself through skillful self-reflection.

Social Connectedness

Because individuals who overcontrol commonly struggle with emotional inhibition, their relationships are often strained. Although individuals have their reasons for why they block their emotions from others, RO-DBT teaches them to be more vulnerable. Hiding one’s true feelings also hides one’s true self, so they can’t get close to others. Thus, social connectedness refers to an intentionality to be more socially open and vulnerable.

Mindfulness Skills

As mentioned, mindfulness plays a large role in radically open DBT. Behavioral therapy focuses on teaching individuals how to productively self-reflect with the goal of learning more than their current understanding. Thus, RO-DBT uses mindfulness as a continual search to better yourself and improve your thinking habits.

What Is Radically Open DBT Like? 

Although you now understand the background and core elements of radically open DBT, it can still feel daunting to begin therapy. The more you know about RO-DBT, the more you will feel comfortable using this behavioral practice to heal. Three of the expectations around RO-DBT are to be aware of skills classes, homework, and individual therapy sessions.

Individual Therapy

Some behavioral therapies include components of individual and group therapy sessions. However, radically open dialectical behavioral therapy is largely a one-on-one therapy treatment. Thus, you will work closely with your DBT therapist to unpack the root issues you struggle with. Be prepared for them to guide you through talking exercises to help you better understand yourself and your mental health challenges. Additionally, they will guide you through the core principles of RO-DBT.

Skills Classes

Although RO-DBT is an individual therapy treatment, skills classes are a component of the DBT method at Aliya Health Group. These are opportunities for you to practice using the tools and skills you gain through RO-DBT training. Radically open DBT skills are based on the core principles of RO-DBT: radical openness, self-inquiry, social connectedness, and mindfulness. Thus, skills classes are designed to help you feel comfortable using RO-DBT skills independently whenever you feel triggered to fall into old habits. You will benefit from them for the rest of your life.


Radically open dialectical behavioral therapy can include a homework component. This means your therapist may assign you tasks or worksheets to work on before your next session. The point of therapy homework is to grow further during your time in therapy and best use your session time. For example, radically open DBT exercises can look like being more vulnerable in conversations or self-inquiring about a core belief.

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Radically Open DBT Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the main principles of RO-DBT and what to expect, let’s unpack the therapy’s techniques. Here are some of the activities you can expect to work on in your therapy sessions and skills classes.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation is a mindfulness activity that helps with the habit of overcontrolling. People with overcontrol issues tend to struggle with emotional openness. They often feel a sense of fear around being vulnerable. Further, this can stem from feeling less empathy or feelings of love towards others as a coping mechanism. Thus, a loving-kindness meditation aims to lead the person into a place of safety where they can reflect on warm feelings towards others. In this way, it trains the brain to feel differently about sharing yourself with the people in your life.

Self-Enquiry Practice

Self-inquiry is a reflective practice that helps individuals get comfortable with finding the edges of their understanding. Self-inquiry is also a state of mind where you are looking for new experiences and viewing them positively. Therefore, practicing helps you get into the right frame of mind. Additionally, this practice helps you pinpoint where you can lean in.

Social Signaling Exercises

Social signaling is the cues and signals people exhibit that communicate their feelings and intentions. For example, smiling, eye contact, and hugs are social signals. People with emotional inhibition struggles often don’t use social signals, which makes it hard for others to connect with them. Social signaling exercises help you understand signals and practice being more open in this way.

Flexible Thought Patterns

Flexible thinking is the ability to contemplate other viewpoints besides your own to open up your understanding of a situation. Thus, having flexible thought patterns is a healthy, positive thinking pattern. In this exercise, individuals practice using flexible thinking to work past the edges of their own understanding.

What Are the Benefits of Radically Open DBT? 

 Radically open dialectical behavior therapy (RO-DBT) is an accessible behavioral therapy method with many benefits. During treatment, you’ll learn to let down your guard, open up to others for stronger relationships, and escape your overcontrolling thoughts and behaviors. People who work through DBT therapy are able to feel a stronger sense of freedom, openness, and trust. If you think you are a good fit for RO-DBT, reach out to us at Aliya Health Group. We offer comprehensive mental health services to aid you in improving your quality of life. Change your life today with radically open DBT at one of our facilities!

The CBT Triangle: The Connection Between Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors

The CBT triangle is a therapy technique for identifying unhealthy patterns in one’s life. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for mental health is a well-recognized treatment method. Individuals with mood disorders, behavioral disorders, substance disorders, and co-occurring issues can benefit from CBT. Essentially, this behavioral psychotherapy practice teaches individuals to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to see patterns. Once they identify their repetitive habits, they discuss whether they are healthy or not and learn to replace them with alternative patterns. Notably, cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for mental health issues, as it is one of the most used and most studied psychotherapies. Yet, you might feel nervous about starting CBT and have questions. Treat this article as a practical guide to CBT and the CBT triangle to better understand how it can help.

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a talk therapy that falls under behavioral therapy. It is an effective healing method for a variety of mood disorders, behavioral issues, trauma disorders, and mental health challenges. CBT originated in the 1960s and has been widely used in mental health treatment ever since. This evidence-based therapy is well studied and utilized in therapy settings, including at Aliya Health Group’s rehab centers. The basis of CBT is developing a clear understanding of your own patterns—of thinking, feeling, and acting. It stems from the Latin term that means “to recognize.” Cognitive behavioral therapy is used differently according to each client and their issues and needs. However, the same core principles are consistent across CBT and apply to all individual situations.

Main Principles of CBT

The main principles of cognitive behavioral therapy are thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. More elaborately, CBT focuses on the way one feels, the way thinks, and behaves. Thinking refers to patterns of thought that influence what people believe. Feelings refer to the way one feels about any given situation. Behaviors are the ways people respond to their situations based on their thoughts and feelings. Notably, CBT focuses on recognizing habits pertaining to these three principles. Then, the CBT method allows individuals to work towards new, healthy goals.

Connection Between Thoughts, Emotions, and Behavior

To continue, CBT maintains that there is a strong connection between one’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. In fact, unhealthy patterns exacerbate each area. CBT is customized to each individual, so it helps clients find connections between their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Changing Unhelpful Patterns of Thought

Crucially, cognitive behavioral therapy does not leave people in the understanding that they have unhealthy patterns. Instead, after helping them identify these habits, CBT teaches them how to change them. Growth and change are key components of CBT, so a willingness to adapt is important. Using CBT techniques like the CBT model, individuals learn the difference between their types of thoughts. For instance, they identify the difference between conscious thoughts, automatic thoughts, and schemas. Also, they learn how to regulate their behaviors using techniques like self-monitoring or role-playing.

Problem-Focused and Goal-Oriented

Notably, cognitive behavioral therapy has a goal-oriented focus. The aim is to teach individuals better self-awareness, understanding of others’ motivations, and new, healthy patterns. CBT works well when clients bring a base understanding of their unhelpful habits or issues. However, as long as the individual is open, therapy can work towards a deeper understanding.

What Is the CBT Triangle?

This guide aims to explain the CBT triangle. Take a look at the CBT triangle graphic below.


In essence, the CBT triangle is a model that believes the principles of CBT (thoughts, feelings, and actions) are interconnected. Further, it believes one leads to another in an endless cycle. For example, a person can feel rejected by someone. This can lead them to create an idea in their mind that they’re unworthy and must have done something wrong. As a result, they will behave in response to their belief and the feelings it incites in them, like shame or embarrassment. They may close themselves off or be the first to reject in the future to avoid the same situation. As evidenced, the CBT triangle can be a devastating cycle to remain trapped in.


The way you think is an important part of your sense of self. Also, your thoughts shape your view of the world, yourself, and others every day. Yet, psychotherapy believes that psychological problems can be at least partially due to unhelpful thinking patterns. For instance, if you have a mood disorder like depression, you likely have some disparaging views of the world or yourself. Commonly, individuals with depression struggle with their sense of self-worth and have trouble imagining a positive future for themselves. In CBT, you will identify such faulty ways of thinking. Then, the CBT thought triangle identifies how such thoughts can lead to negative outcomes in your life.


It’s easy for your life to become run by your emotions, especially if you have a mental health disorder. When your emotions overwhelm you, they can exacerbate mental illness symptoms, disturb your sleep, and cause you to lean into destructive behavior patterns. This is shown by the CBT triangle, as each part of the self is connected. Thus, cognitive behavioral therapy helps you to identify your feelings. Often, people are confused about where their thinking stops and where their feeling starts. CBT utilizes techniques like journaling and mindfulness to help you understand how your thoughts influence your feelings and vice versa.


The way one behaves obviously plays a huge role in one’s life. Essentially, much of your wellness is shaped by how you act, including how you care for yourself and manage your responsibilities. It’s easy to slide into an unhealthy place in life due to taking the wrong actions that lead you there. The CBT triangle helps clients understand how their thoughts and emotions play a role in their behaviors. Additionally, behavioral therapists help their clients work towards goals by practicing healthy actions.

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How Does the CBT Triangle Establish Negative Patterns?

As mentioned, negative patterns can spiral into overall unwellness. Your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all closely linked when it comes to establishing patterns. You probably aren’t aware of many of the unhealthy habits you’ve developed and come to rely on. Often, these are developed during childhood and never challenged. Yet, operating within the CBT triangle creates a pattern of negativity that impacts your life.

Here is an example of a negative spiral of the CBT triangle:

Thought: “That person hasn’t responded to my message. They don’t like me anymore.”

Feeling: Anxiety, sadness, rejection, and/or guilt.

Behavior: Avoiding that person, losing the relationship, and withdrawing from social interactions.

How to Break the CBT Triangle Cycle  

Undeniably, the CBT triangle is not a healthy loop in which to be trapped. It keeps individuals stuck within themselves, constantly perpetuating their own ideas and validating them based on their faulty belief system. As a result, people remain stuck repeating their patterns, often causing more and more damage in their lives. Since negative thoughts largely drive negative emotions and behaviors, it’s important to focus on breaking the thinking cycle. Often, thinking patterns are learned behaviors over time, but by using CBT techniques, it’s possible to reshape your mental habits. For example, the following steps are actions your therapist may walk you through during your CBT therapy sessions.

Identify Negative Thoughts

Firstly, it’s important to name negative thoughts. Taking a moment to realize that it was an unhealthy or toxic thought helps you center yourself in reality. Otherwise, your brain can lead you into a place of fantasy where you believe things that aren’t true. Some examples of negative thoughts are:

  • They are mad at me
  • I’m a failure
  • I mess everything up
  • They don’t like me
  • I will never get better
  • I’m not good enough

Thoughts like these incite emotional responses in you that then cause you to behave in ways that aren’t productive for your goals.

Challenge and Replace Negative Thoughts

Once you’ve identified that a thought comes from a negative or irrational place, you can begin to reshape it. Replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones takes time. Yet, you can start the process by challenging your negative thinking patterns. For instance, your therapist will help teach you these steps in your sessions. Together, you may focus on one predominant thought that you wrestle with. Once you identify it as negative, they’ll help you spin it in a way that’s more logical, rational, and healthy. As an example, the thought they are mad at me can be challenged by thinking logically about the situation.

What happened to make you think that? Why is that your response? How likely is this thought? What other outcomes could just as likely be true?

As you chip away at the logic of the thought, you begin to replace it with healthier ideas.

Engage in Positive Actions

Next, CBT techniques encourage engaging in positive responses rather than self-destructive ones. Instead of isolating as a natural response to your emotions, you can be more open and reach out to others. Instead of overthinking a situation, you can take a walk or engage in an activity. Instead of ignoring your feelings, you can journal or talk to a friend. The more you pivot towards positive actions, the more this will become a habit.

Acknowledge and Process Your Feelings

In behavioral therapy, it’s important you acknowledge your feelings. Rather than shoving them under the rug in an effort to replace them, you first identify and acknowledge them. Then, you can set them aside for healthier alternatives. But feelings are valid and lead back to important root belief systems you hold. In cognitive behavioral therapy, you have a safe space and a trustworthy person to unpack and process your feelings with. They won’t let you stay in a negative place but will instead help you create better habits.

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Finding CBT for Mental Health and Addiction Near Me

CBT for mental health has many concrete benefits. This is evidenced through the way the negative patterns of the CBT triangle are identified and overcome. If cognitive behavioral therapy sounds like a program that would positively influence your life, you don’t have to look far. Our treatment centers through Aliya Health Group offer CBT as part of our comprehensive approach to recovery.

CBT can help with a variety of mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse issues, such as:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Stress management
  • Emotional regulation
  • Controlling negative thought patterns
  • Anger management
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Eating disorder
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Suicide prevention

We can help you find a location near you, understand how to use your insurance for therapy, and get you registered at one of our facilities. Simply reach out today if you’re ready to leave the negative patterns of mental illness in the past. Soon, you will be stepping into a healthy, fulfilling future!

Alcohol Detox: The Value of Professional Help

Individuals can quickly develop an alcohol addiction when they’re heavily drinking, at which point they require outside help. Alcohol addiction is a prevalent issue that requires detoxification, but it isn’t wise to attempt alcohol detox at home. Most people relapse back into drinking when they don’t have professional help because withdrawal symptoms can be strong. Let’s discuss what detox is like and how you can have a safe alcohol detox.

What Is Alcohol Detox?

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body to stop them from causing damage. As such, detox is the first step towards allowing the body to reset to its natural, healthy state without being slowed down by toxins. In the case of alcohol use disorders (AUD), individuals undergo an alcohol detox as the first stage of recovery treatment. That is, rehab begins with detox for anyone who enters our detox center with alcohol currently in their body. If you’re wondering how to detox from alcohol, the answer is important. Detoxing from alcohol in a medical detoxification facility is the only safe way to reach base sobriety.

Why Is Alcohol Detox Important?

Detoxing from alcohol is a necessary first step in the alcohol addiction recovery process. As long as you have alcohol in your system, it will continue to control your behaviors. This is because alcohol has an extremely strong addictive effect on the brain and body. To elaborate, individuals originally become dependent on alcohol because of the way it acts on the brain’s reward system. Essentially, alcohol addiction happens the same way drug addiction does. When intoxicated, your brain experiences pleasurable effects like euphoria. Through repeated activating of the reward system, you become dependent on the positive feelings. Notably, your brain actually adapts over time to need alcohol to function properly.

Thus, removing alcohol from your system is the first step towards undoing the damage alcohol repetition causes in your brain.

When Does Someone Need Alcohol Detox?

When you can’t stop drinking on your own, it’s time to remove the negative hold alcohol has on you. This is one of the main signs someone has developed an addiction and needs outside help. There are some typical behaviors that signal someone needs to receive medical treatment for their alcohol dependency. If you see these in yourself or someone you love, it’s time to seek help.

  • Unable to stop drinking alcohol, even though it’s harming you
  • Always thinking about your next drink
  • Skipping social plans in order to drink
  • Drinking alone
  • Losing interest in former interests and hobbies
  • Having a high tolerance for alcohol
  • Needing more drinks to get the pleasurable effect
  • Missing important events, obligations, or deadlines
  • Mental fogginess

Alcohol Abuse Statistics

Alcohol addiction is no small matter. It is an issue across the world, especially in the United States. According to the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 29 million people over 12 have an AUD. Around the world, roughly 400 million people have an alcohol use disorder. And yearly, an estimated 2.6 million people die from alcohol abuse, according to statistics. Looking at these facts, it is undeniable that there’s a need for comprehensive alcohol abuse treatment to prevent alcohol-related harm.

What Happens When Someone Undergoes Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detoxification is a straightforward process that typically lasts between 4-8 days. With the target to remove toxins from their body, individuals live in our detoxification facilities for the duration of their detox. Here, they receive around-the-clock medical care to monitor their vitals, ensure their comfort, and administer nutrients and fluids as needed. Additionally, in our medical detox centers, we can provide comfort medications to alleviate discomfort from withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The hardest part of alcohol detoxification is the withdrawal symptoms. You will experience them regardless of whether you try to complete alcohol detox at home or in a medical center. However, individuals are unequipped to handle the force of withdrawal on their own, whereas we can minimize discomfort through professional treatment. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be painful, frustrating, and exhausting. Some of the potential symptoms are:

  • Cravings
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Restlessness

How Long Is Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detox is a fairly short process, typically between 4 and 8 days, depending on the person. The detox timeline depends on how long it takes for your body to adapt to physical sobriety. However, after detoxification, you may still experience lingering symptoms like cravings, mood swings, or restlessness as your body heals further. After detox, clients transition into inpatient treatment and continue to receive 24/7 support.

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Is Alcohol Detox at Home Safe?

It is not safe to try to attempt detoxing from alcohol at home. Many people aren’t prepared for the force of their withdrawal symptoms and relapse back into drinking.

There are many potential health dangers when detoxing from alcohol that you aren’t equipped to face in a home detox, such as:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Gastritis
  • Internal bleeding
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Liver disease
  • Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies

Professional Medical Detox for Alcohol Addiction

Professional alcohol addiction treatment offers more than a safe and comfortable detox. We also offer the full continuum of care for AUD recovery. Each client can move between our levels of care to achieve whole-body healing during their time spent in treatment.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Addiction treatment is fully customized to our clients and their needs. Each individual works with their medical team to create an individualized treatment plan for their recovery journey. Further, we offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT) plans for those who benefit from medication in combination with therapy.

Expert Medical Staff

Aliya Health Group’s facilities are staffed by licensed and knowledgeable experts in the field of addiction healing. We implement evidence-based treatment options to give individuals the best recovery experience.

Relapse Prevention

Professional alcohol addiction treatment helps prevent relapse. Our addiction recovery program will teach you coping skills to manage alcohol withdrawal at home after treatment when cravings linger. Thus, you will be able to maintain sobriety even after graduating from treatment by having the necessary tools and skills. We help improve your mental health so you can approach alcoholism treatment programs with confidence.

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Alcohol Detox Center Near Me

Aliya Health Group can help you identify the warning signs of alcohol abuse and safely detox from alcohol to complete the inner work of healing. We desire for all our clients to achieve fulfilling, sober lives so our programming is accessible to everyone. Our program helps reduce drug and alcohol cravings so you can move on to a happy and healthy life. The treatment team uses MAT to provide medication that reduces withdrawal symptoms in severe alcohol abusers. We can also help you understand the alcohol detox timeline and educate yourself on the treatment of alcoholism.

Reach out to a medical professional today to discuss how your insurance provider can pay for treatment programs like detox, as we accept most major insurance companies. Don’t attempt alcohol detox at home. Call us today to ask any questions about rehab and to reserve a spot in one of our medical detoxification facilities for substance abuse and reduce the amount of alcohol you consume.

ABC Please and the Value of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a behavioral therapy method that teaches life-applicable skills like ABC Please. If you aren’t sure what DBT entails and are asking, What is ABC please?, you’ve come to the right place. We will unpack dialectical behavioral therapy and DBT skills like ABC Please in this guide. Additionally, we’ll explain how DBT helps individuals with substance use disorders and mental illness so they can achieve a healthy life.

What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

Dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT for short, is an evidence-based behavioral therapy. It can help individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) and mental disorders. Notably, a key theme of DBT is working within opposites. For example, “dialectical” means “the existence of opposites” and in DBT therapy, individuals embrace the discomfort of conflicting feelings. DBT is split into four stages through which the individual works. As part of the opposite teaching, they learn to first accept their situation and then work to change it.

What are DBT therapy’s goals? Through the DBT skills training, clients learn how to manage their emotions, behaviors, and illness by responding positively to situations. DBT therapy is conducted by licensed therapists and counselors in rehabilitation clinics focused on holistic healing, like Aliya Health Group.

Are DBT and CBT the Same Thing?

Dialectical behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are different behavioral therapy methods. Some of the key differences are the focus of treatment and the structure of sessions. In CBT, clients learn how their negative thoughts and behavior patterns play a destructive role in their lives. Thus, the emphasis of treatment is altering those patterns for healthier outcomes. In DBT, which is based on CBT, clients focus on emotional regulation and building healthy relationships. Thus, when it comes to DBT vs. CBT, both are helpful, but your treatment goals might determine which is a better fit for you.

What Can DBT Treat?

Because DBT focuses on managing emotions, acceptance of your situation, and creating healthy habits, many people benefit from the approach. In fact, dialectical therapy is an effective treatment for substance use disorders, mood and behavioral disorders, and co-occurring illnesses.

Substance Use Disorders

Substance use disorders (SUD) are present in people who have come to the end of their rope. They know they have a problem with drugs or alcohol, but due to the addictive effect on the brain, the person can’t quit on their own. Thus, dialectical behavioral therapy is a strong therapy method for treating individuals with SUD. Notably, DBT helps people manage their destructive behaviors and the emotions that actually hinder their success. For instance, people with SUD have daily responses to their addiction yet feel powerless to change them. In DBT, they learn to accept their situation as well as how to start creating change in their life.

Mental Health Disorders

Additionally, DBT for mental health is recommended due to the way psychotherapy helps individuals find renewed strength and restoration. With its emphasis on emotional regulation and fostering healthy relationships, it helps people escape destructive behaviors and self-harm. DBT utilizes mindfulness practices and hands-on relationship maintenance through group therapy sessions (mixed with individual sessions). 

Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders are ones that exist consecutively in a person. There are different risk factors increasing one’s likelihood of developing a second issue. Often, one disorder will lead to another. For example, substance addiction leads to worsening mental illness, or mental disorders lead to substance abuse. In sum, comorbid disorders appear differently in each person. Co-occurring issues can cause individuals to feel especially out of control, but DBT therapy can help. The behavioral treatment addresses both concerns collectively and examines how they aggravate each other.

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What Is ABC Please?

ABC Please is a set of skills in dialectical therapy that helps individuals develop healthy lifestyle patterns. ABC Please is an acronym that stands for many of the key healing goals of DBT.

A: Accumulate positive experiences

B: Build mastery

C: Cope ahead

P: Physical

L: Illness

E: Eating

A: Avoid mood-altering substances

S: Sleep

E: Exercise

In DBT, clients focus on these goals to find healing from their substance or mental illness and live a fulfilling life.

ABC in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

By following the ABC Please DBT tool, individuals set themselves on a smart, healthy path for their future. During therapy in rehab, clients work on understanding and developing these skills. Fortunately, with the catchiness of the acronym and time spent practicing, they can return to ABC Please after leaving treatment. As such, ABC Please and other DBT training helps people stay sustained in their wellness goals. Thus, even people who feel independent in their recovery journey can rely on evidence-based therapy tools.

Accumulate Positive Experiences

Accumulating positive experiences is an important focus of DBT because it’s a form of mindfulness. To elaborate, focusing on the positive elements in your life restructures your thinking habits. As a result, you feel less stressed, more capable, and more appreciative of your situation. This intentional gratitude approach positively shapes individuals so they feel less overwhelmed by their emotions when trials arise. Further, DBT practices that fall under this category help people actively create positive experiences. These can include exercise, talking to a friend, working on an artistic hobby, or exploring your city.

Build Mastery

Building mastery refers to accumulating talents, hobbies, and new skills both within and apart from ABC Please skills. The theory behind this goal is that people who have interests and hobbies have greater happiness and wellness. In fact, studies show that individuals who regularly spend time on their hobbies even have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. Hobbies and activities are beneficial on multiple levels, from physical wellness to mental stimulation to increasing one’s sociability. Plus, having mastery in skills makes you want to return to them, giving you something to look forward to in tough times.

Cope Ahead

Coping ahead is a preparation tactic for an upcoming stressor. Often, people who struggle with their mental health find that facing something stressful or uncomfortable puts them in a bad place. Instead of staying trapped in dread or anxiety, DBT teaches individuals to do what they can to prepare. For anything big and troubling on the horizon, coping ahead is about mentally, emotionally, and even physically getting ready.

PLEASE in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

After the ABC’s of DBT, PLEASE stands for ailments of the body that can occur when a person isn’t taking good care of themselves. Part of being a healthy human is learning how to help your body thrive. In the midst of substance addiction and mental illness, your physical health can deteriorate. Thus, DBT’s ABC PLEASE reminds clients to prioritize their bodily health.

Physical Illness

Physical illness is one of the biggest reasons people feel unwell, which can spread into affecting their mental wellness. DBT emphasizes the importance of taking care of your body to stay healthy.

Eat Well

Similarly, eating well is a key component of your actual well-being. This entails eating enough nutrients, vitamins, and minerals through your diet. As part of this dialectical behavioral therapy practice, we offer nutrition counseling at Aliya. We know illness often pushes healthy eating to the wayside. Thus, our nutrition counselors teach clients how to eat balanced meals that pull from all the food groups.

Avoid Mood Altering Substances

Whether you begin DBT for your substance use disorder or not, staying away from mood-altering substances is a big part of DBT. Undeniably, substances like drugs and alcohol change your mood. Further, they can contribute to your unhealthy thinking and behaving patterns. The only way to be a truly healthy and fulfilled person after struggling with an SUD is to maintain sobriety. The one exception to this rule is prescription medications that are being properly used. On the other hand, we treat prescription medication abuse in rehab and help individuals with medication management in treatment.

Sleep Well

Sleep is crucial for overall health. This includes getting enough sleep and having quality sleep at night. Often, mood swings are significantly alleviated once a person starts sleeping better.

Exercise Regularly 

Similarly, physical exercise seriously impacts one’s moods and feelings for the better! Exercise stimulates the reward system like drugs and alcohol, but in a healthy way that can be maintained long-term. DBT uses exercise as a form of emotional regulation through ABC Please.

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What To Expect During Dialectical Behavior Therapy

There is no reason to feel nervous about beginning dialectical behavioral therapy. Firstly, know there is no shame in needing help for your substance disorder, mental disorder, or comorbid issues. Rather than staying trapped in a cycle of hopelessness and devastation, you are doing the right thing by seeking treatment.

When preparing for DBT therapy, it’s important to keep an open mind. Dialectical behavioral therapy takes a more emotional approach to healing than CBT, which tends to be more rational and logical. In DBT, you will examine your feelings, actions, and relationship patterns. No topic is off the table, so come prepared with any discussion points you want to cover. Additionally, your therapist may assign you DBT worksheets to complete between sessions. This will help you cover more ground in sessions by completing some of the deep-thinking work on your own time.

As far as the structure of DBT sessions, they typically last between 45 minutes to 1 hour. During intensive rehabilitation treatment, you will have multiple DBT sessions per week, sometimes individually and sometimes in groups. Above all, behavioral therapy sessions are safe spaces to grow, heal, and feel positive emotional improvement.

What Are the Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Individuals who begin dialectical behavioral therapy set themselves on the path of deep healing from their emotional wounds and triggers. One of the key benefits is the stronger sense of self-awareness and resilience clients develop during treatment. This is largely because of the work they put into understanding their feelings and reactions and then working on healthier alternatives. Further, DBT helps individuals form stronger relationships with the people in their lives. Overall, DBT is beneficial in the way it helps individuals escape the chains of substance abuse and mental illness.

Managing Emotions

As mentioned, the ability to better manage feelings and emotions is a major takeaway for individuals in dialectical behavioral therapy. Instead of staying trapped in unhealthy patterns of thinking, reacting, and feeling, clients accept their feelings and then modify them.

Promoting Resilience

Because of all the deep inner work individuals do while in DBT, they emerge after their behavioral therapy rehab with a stronger sense of self; often, addiction and mental illness can strip people of their sense of identity. A person may rely on substances to get them through each day and lose the trust of their family. Self-resilience is a key teaching of DBT that has widespread benefits in one’s life.

Who Offers ABC Please and Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Now that you understand DBT’s teaching ABC Please and have considered how it would help you, you need a provider. If you aren’t sure where to go to receive DBT for your addiction or mental illness, you’ve come to the right place. Behavioral treatments like DBT can be provided through an accredited treatment center like Aliya Health Group and our connected rehab providers. Along with clinical mental health counseling, such as CBT and DBT, we offer continuing levels of care to help individuals overcome their illnesses. During treatment, you can move between detoxification, inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, and aftercare.

The DBT skills you learn during treatment will be ones you utilize for the rest of your life. Reach out today to reserve a place in one of our state-of-the-art treatment centers today!

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction: Treatment Programs and Therapy Options

Addiction to alcohol is a common but serious issue in the United States that requires alcohol addiction treatment. Without seeking help for your alcohol dependency, you will remain stuck in a vicious cycle of withdrawal and relapse. Without a doubt, alcohol recovery is possible with professional treatment, so let’s explore what that looks like.

What Is Alcohol Addiction? 

Alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition where the brain and body have adapted to the need for alcohol. When people overconsume alcohol or follow patterns of binge drinking, they can quickly develop dependence. Simply put, alcohol activates the brain’s reward system in the same way as drugs. Thus, drinking feels pleasurable, relaxing, and disinhibiting by creating a separation between the person and their reality. Eventually, the brain needs to keep drinking in order to function normally. Once you are dependent on alcohol, you’ll experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when you go too long without drinking.

Is Alcohol Abuse a Problem?

Alcohol abuse and alcohol use disorder (AUD) are major issues in the United States and around the world. According to the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 28.9 million people in the U.S. have AUD. This encompasses individuals aged 12 and up, and underage drinking is a problem on its own. In accordance, 33.1 percent of young people between 12-20 engage in underage drinking. Clearly, there is a need for addiction rehab in the United States.

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction manifests itself differently in each person. Yet, there tend to be some common signs and symptoms that indicate a person has an unhealthy relationship with drinking. If you see these signs in yourself or someone you love, you need to seek help to overcome alcohol’s control.

  • Excessive drinking
  • Frequently thinking and talking about drinking
  • Missing plans because you chose to drink alone
  • An inability to quit on your own, even if you want to
  • Awareness that drinking is taking a toll on your life
  • Mental fogginess and/or worsening physical health
  • Neglecting important life situations, like work, family, or hobbies
  • Losing a sense of yourself through a lost interest in your passions

What Are the Long-Term Risks of Abusing Alcohol?

Although alcohol can wreak havoc on your life, it also has many long-term dangers for your body and brain. Recovery from alcohol abuse can help prevent and reverse health dangers like:

  • Digestion problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Immune system disorders
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Heart damage
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Levels of Care for Alcohol Treatment

Rehab for alcohol abuse can and will help you stop drinking. Treating your alcohol addiction will give you the tools you need to resist temptations and triggers around drinking. It will equip you to make sobriety an attainable priority. At Aliya Health Group, our alcohol abuse treatment is comprised of continuing levels of care measuring a person’s healing journey. Here are the levels you can expect to move between in alcohol rehab.

Alcohol Detox 

Clients begin with medical detoxification in our New Jersey detox facility. Arguably, detox is one of the most challenging levels of care, but we make it more comfortable with around-the-clock care. As you detox alcohol from your body, our team of medical professionals can administer fluids, nutrients, and comfort medications. Typically, detox lasts 4-8 days.

Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Inpatient treatment is an intensive level of care for new clients who have completed detox or come into rehab without alcohol in their bodies. During inpatient rehab, you will attend daily group and individual therapy sessions. You will start unpacking the reasons behind why you turn to alcohol. Additionally, you will learn coping mechanisms and relapse prevention skills to help you manage sobriety.

Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment

After inpatient treatment, clients who are ready to gain more independence in their recovery transition into outpatient rehab. During this stage, they attend regular therapy sessions but with reduced hours from the inpatient rehab schedule. Further, they continue to gain and practice sobriety skills, like trigger management and personal motivation.

Aftercare and Sober Living

Finally, graduates of outpatient rehab enter the aftercare stage, where they can remain as connected as they like. We help individuals stay connected to a peer support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Additionally, alumni of our programming continue to check in with their alumni case manager. As part of aftercare, we offer Sober Living houses for abstinent peers to live together in the community. These are optional transitional spaces for those who wish to receive continuing peer support.

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Alcohol Addiction Therapy Options

Alcohol rehab is a straightforward process that utilizes a combination of therapy, counseling, and medication management. Our alcohol addiction treatment programs combine traditional and holistic therapy for alcohol addiction and co-occurring disorders.

Psychotherapy for Alcohol Abuse

Psychotherapy is a traditional approach to therapy based on “talk therapy.” As such, traditional psychotherapy uses different methods to unpack an individual’s past and present behaviors. For instance, a key theme of therapy is identifying negative patterns of thinking and behaving to override them with positive ones. Psychotherapy includes the following methods:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Integrative psychotherapy

Holistic Therapy for Alcohol Abuse

Additionally, we believe holistic therapy is invaluable to include in a comprehensive approach to healing. Holistic therapy activities heal the body, mind, and spirit. Some of the holistic therapies we provide at Aliya Health Group include:

  • Breathwork
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Massage therapy
  • Sound therapy
  • Movement therapy
  • Tai chi
  • Equine-assisted therapy
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Yoga
  • Music therapy
  • Outdoor adventure therapy

Co-Occurring Mental Health and Alcohol Abuse Therapy

For those with more than one issue combined (also called co-occurring disorders or dual diagnoses), we provide treatment that addresses both. For example, an example of co-occurring disorders is major depressive disorder and alcohol use disorder (AUD). We firmly believe coexisting illnesses require joint healing. Otherwise, each issue exacerbates the other, so the person stays trapped in an unhealthy cycle. With wellness as the goal, we explore both issues together and separately in dual diagnosis treatment.

Finding an Alcohol Rehab Center Near Me

It’s easy to start the alcohol recovery process at Aliya Health Group even after years of heavy drinking. We are a health care provider that can help in treating alcohol abuse or any kind of substance abuse issue. If your friends and family are pushing you to get help, then request an appointment today. Don’t let the fear of alcohol withdrawal or any impediment from recovery from alcohol abuse get in your way. Our health professionals can treat your urge to drink and treat alcohol dependence at our substance use disorders treatment center. Our treatments for alcohol abuse include an individual treatment plan for alcohol misuse.

Give us a call today to discuss your substance abuse treatment program options. You don’t have to live with a debilitating alcohol disorder. Get started with alcohol addiction treatment and addiction recovery with our addiction specialists today.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Weed as a Coping Mechanism

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that affects one’s behaviors, impulses, and emotions. BPD and weed are often associated together because of the way BPD impacts the body’s endocannabinoid system. There are two ideas about the link between BPD and weed: that it can be a helpful treatment for BPD symptoms or that weed addiction can become a comorbid disorder. To elaborate, research shows the endocannabinoid system plays a role in the mental health effects of borderline personality disorder. While cannabis could potentially help alleviate symptoms, weed can be highly addictive. Let’s further explore whether weed is a strong treatment option for BPD or rather a harmful self-medication tactic.

What Is Borderline Personality Disorder? 

Borderline personality disorder, or BPD, is a mental disorder that can be severe and last for the duration of an individual’s life. Because it is a chronic diagnosis, it’s important that individuals receive effective care to help them manage their symptoms. Unfortunately, the symptoms of BPD are intense and debilitating. Borderline personality disorder directly affects one’s mental and emotional health but also impacts one’s identity, relationships, profession, and physical health. Some of the common characteristics of the disorder include:

  • High sensitivity to their surroundings and situation

  • Low self-image

  • Poor impulse control

  • Fear of rejection and abandonment

  • Instability in relationships, career, finances, etc.

  • A strong feeling of emotional pain

  • Mood swings

  • Depression

  • Self-harm

  • Suicidal thoughts and tendencies

Notably, BPD has four subtypes that exhibit symptoms in different ways.

Cannabis Use in the Context of Mental Health 

Cannabis is sometimes touted as a treatment for mental health symptoms. However, it isn’t prescribed by medical professionals, especially because marijuana isn’t legal in all states. Thus, individuals who use cannabis for mental illness are self-medicating, which is a dangerous practice. For one thing, they may overdose on their chosen substance. For another, they can develop an addiction or possibly develop more mental illness symptoms. According to research, cannabis increases your risk of developing psychoses like schizophrenia. Therefore, it is not recommended to treat your mental health with marijuana.

The Potential Positive Effects of Weed on BPD

Some people report positive effects from weed use on their borderline personality disorder. The potential benefits could include decreased impulsivity, more even mood, and less stress. However, these benefits are anecdotal and should be discussed with a medical professional instead of self-medicating with marijuana.

The Risks and Drawbacks of Cannabis Use for BPD

It’s likely that weed and BPD are actually a poor combination, especially because one symptom of the disorder is instability or impulsivity. Thus, an individual can easily overdo their marijuana usage. Further, marijuana can accelerate an individual’s symptoms so they are even more reckless or impulsive. Even more, research shows you can experience weed psychosis, which is cannabis-induced psychosis (CIP) that mimics psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.

And as mentioned, you put yourself at risk of developing an addiction to marijuana. Then, you’d become trapped in the cycle of always needing more to fend off withdrawal symptoms.

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Expert Perspectives on Borderline Personality Disorder and Cannabis

To further address the question of “Can weed cause mental illness?” we consulted research studying the connection between BPD and weed. As discussed, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in BPD as one of the compromised areas of the brain due to the disorder. However, studies show that substance abuse leads to an increased frequency of borderline personality disorder. At this point, there isn’t enough known about whether weed can significantly benefit BPD symptoms without causing cannabis use disorder (CUD). Thus, self-medicating with weed is dangerous and may lead to more damage overall.

Alternative Coping Strategies for BPD Symptoms

Instead of self-medicating with weed as a coping mechanism for BPD symptoms, there are evidence-proven techniques that will serve you well. We recommend the following treatment steps for our clients with borderline personality disorder.

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Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder

Because one key symptom of borderline personality disorder is low self-image, behavioral therapy can significantly help clients rationalize their feelings. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) explores individuals’ base feelings and reactions to these emotions. Individuals with BPD often experience emotional reactivity, poor impulse control, and unhealthy relationships. In CBT, they will work with their therapist to explore these negative patterns and the damaging effects they have on their life. Additionally, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can be used to help clients manage their emotions. People with BPD often have a fear of abandonment, low self-esteem, and volatile emotions. DBT helps them unpack their emotional responses and then learn to follow new thinking and behaving patterns.

Mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder

Along with traditional therapy programming like CBT and DBT, borderline personality disorder can be treated with holistic approaches. Mindfulness and meditation are two such practices that follow an integrative approach to healing. To elaborate, holistic therapy addresses a person’s whole self, including their mind, body, and spirit. People with BPD battle with their mental, physical, and spiritual wellness through their negative behaviors and low sense of self. Mindfulness encourages honest thought about the present and the self to center oneself. Additionally, it has benefits such as reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. We teach clients mindfulness practices they can use as a coping mechanism whenever symptoms trigger negative feelings.

Medication for Borderline Personality Disorder

In addition to traditional psychotherapy and holistic healing activities, medication rounds out a comprehensive treatment approach to borderline personality disorder. Medication can be highly beneficial for people who struggle with a severe mental disorder like BPD. Research approves multiple medication options for BPD symptoms, such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. Before an individual can receive medication for BPD, they will need to meet with a medical professional to receive an official diagnosis.

It can be tricky to identify BPD, as symptoms exhibit differently in each person. Some symptoms overlap with other mental disorders, like bipolar disorder. However, once an individual receives a diagnosis of BPD (or a co-occurring disorder), their therapist will determine the right medication. Notably, all clients of Aliya Health Group who take medicine enter medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to monitor their dosage and ensure positive symptom management.

Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

Living with BPD can be frightening, isolating, and painful. Self-medicating with weed will only worsen your condition and may lead to an additional drug addiction on top of your symptoms. Fortunately, we can help you recover from your disorder.

We provide drug addiction counseling, therapy for mental disorders, and treatment for co-occurring issues. BPD and weed can be a damaging combination, so please let us offer alternative healing methods through Aliya’s rehab facilities.

Veterans and Recovery: Navigating PTSD and Substance Abuse

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse are often linked together in people who have experienced trauma. This largely includes the veteran and first responder population. Veterans undergo life-threatening danger and have to operate with heightened precaution at work. In many cases, veterans return home having experienced intense fear, loss, and even injuries. A large many veterans return with mental and emotional wounds, even if their bodies are healthy. Thus, it is common for service workers to turn to substances to escape their memories. At Aliya, we provide help for veterans with drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and trauma disorders. Let’s further unpack the link between PTSD and substance abuse.

Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disability that affects all aspects of one’s well-being. It’s important to note that individuals can develop PTSD after experiencing a life-threatening trauma, such as war or violent assault. This mental and behavioral disorder affects brain signaling, which is responsible for alertness, survival, memory, and emotions. In fact, PTSD can create long-term brain modifications if it isn’t treated. Veterans and first responders may have PTSD short-term or long-term, ranging in severity from mild to intense.

How Does PTSD Affect Daily Life?

PTSD inhibits one’s mental, physical, spiritual, and social health because of the symptoms of lingering trauma that resurface daily. PTSD can cause intense and unpredictable flashbacks and triggers that disrupt normal life. Notably, it can be challenging for veterans to admit their symptoms because they don’t want to signal weakness after working such a high-pressure job. Many veterans and first responders tend to isolate themselves from friends and loved ones. They can feel a sense of “otherness” because their memories, experiences, and struggles don’t fit into the mold of civilian life. Often, they won’t attempt to open up about their experiences because they don’t want to traumatize others. They may also believe they’ll be misunderstood. Thus, it’s important that veterans remember there is a community out there that relates to what they’re going through.

Why Do So Many Veterans Develop PTSD?

A large number of veterans and first responders develop PTSD. An estimated one in three people who face extreme trauma will have post-traumatic stress disorder, whether short-term or long-term. Statistically, 7 out of 100 veterans will develop PTSD at some point. Further, repeated exposure to trauma significantly increases one’s risk of developing the disorder. Service members may encounter traumatic situations daily for the whole time they serve. Understandably, veterans suffer from mental health issues more than the general public due to their dangerous line of work. Those who serve in combat roles have a greater risk of PTSD. Research shows between 10 and 18 percent may be diagnosed.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of PTSD?

Some of the typical signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder are:

·         Flashbacks

·         Intrusive thoughts

·         Recurring memories

·         Feelings of detachment

·         Isolation

·         Feeling tense or on edge

·         Trouble sleeping

·         Avoidance of triggers (including places, people, or events)

·         Reckless behavior

·         Feelings of guilt

·         Depression symptoms like hopelessness, loss of interest, or fatigue

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Why Do Veterans Struggle with PTSD and Addiction?

PTSD in veterans is a major concern on its own but is often accompanied by substance abuse. Unfortunately, a strong connection exists between veterans and addiction. One link is the desire to self-medicate their PTSD symptoms with drugs or alcohol. Substances alter the brain to modify one’s behavior, mood, and mental cognition. Thus, substances can temporarily numb memories and allow a person to feel detached from their situation.

The relationship between PTSD and substance abuse in veterans is much higher than the national average. Even without a PTSD diagnosis, those who face trauma are more likely to overuse substances. Men with PTSD are 2 times more likely to have substance problems, and women are 2.5 times more likely. Additionally, 60-80 percent of Vietnam veterans with PTSD have substance use issues.

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Co-occurring disorders are ones that exist at the same time in an individual. For instance, PTSD and substance use disorders (SUD), including alcohol use disorder (AUD), are common examples. Through dual-diagnosis treatment, veterans can find healing for their PTSD and addiction at the same time rather than entering two different programs.

Some may hesitate to get help for drugs and alcohol because of worries about things like withdrawal symptoms. Effective treatment methods like medication-assisted treatment can help make the alcohol and drug addiction treatment process easier.

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Treatment for PTSD and Addiction

At Aliya Health Group, we provide a Valor Program for veterans and first responders. This is a specialized treatment track that offers trauma-focused healing for those who battle PTSD, addiction, or co-occurring disorders. Through a combination of traditional and holistic therapy, clients unpack the roots of their illnesses and work through their negative emotions in a safe environment. All of our addiction treatment for veterans is trauma-based and is specifically designed to help people with PTSD.

Psychotherapy for PTSD and Substance Abuse

Psychotherapy, or traditional talk therapy, allows individuals to safely return to their traumatic memories to find relief from their sting. Clients in our rehabilitation program will engage in one-on-one and group counseling sessions to see they aren’t alone in their struggles. Psychotherapy for trauma healing fosters a sense of trust in others, as well as self-awareness.


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy for the healing of traumatic experiences. EMDR is a top treatment for PTSD and is effective for veterans and service workers.

Holistic Treatment for PTSD and Substance Abuse

Holistic treatments are also important for improving the overall wellness of veterans after service. Plus, it has healing benefits for PTSD and substance addiction. Holistic activities like equine-assisted therapy, meditation, tai chi, and nature therapy help repair one’s body, mind, and spirit. We help clients get connected with holistic therapies they enjoy and can continue after treatment.

The Importance of Treating Both Mental Health and Addiction

We provide healing for PTSD and substance abuse in veterans through our Valor Program. This rehabilitation treatment track is designed for veterans and first responders to offer tailored rehab. Rest assured, you can receive therapeutic recovery for both of your issues at the same time. Dual-diagnosis treatment for PTSD and addiction addresses the wounds linking both disorders to provide whole-body wellness. We understand that healing is a journey, but we’ll help you achieve personal recovery for your mind, body, and spirit.

Everyone who experiences trauma is at risk of developing PTSD. Please reach out to us about our veteran addiction treatment centers across the United States. You deserve to live a peaceful, sober life as a veteran, so let us help you heal from drugs and alcohol. You don’t have to let substance use disorders or traumatic experiences control your life. End alcohol and drug addiction today with help from our center.  

How to Support a Loved One Battling Depression and Addiction

Depression and addiction are two issues that exacerbate each other to significantly impair the life of the person you love. If your loved one is battling with their mental health and addiction, it’s hard to understand how to help. Rather than feeling powerless, the best thing you can do is find professional support for your loved one. Let’s explore how rehab treatment centers heal depression and addiction.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder that is medically classified as “depressive disorder” because there’s more than one diagnosis of depression. People can develop depression at all times of life. Some disorders, like atypical depression, tend to have an earlier onset, while postpartum depression originates during one’s child’s birthing years. Notably, 15 percent of youths aged 12-17 have major depressive disorder.

Depression affects over 20 million people in the United States each year, making it one of the most prevalent mental illnesses. Fortunately, it is treatable through mental health rehabilitation.

Are there Different Kinds of Depression?

Depressive disorders encompass multiple depression diagnoses. Individuals can have a variety of depressive disorders. Sometimes, it’s difficult to pinpoint one’s exact diagnosis because many symptoms do overlap from one depressive disorder to another. Types of depressive disorders include the following:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD) – Most people refer to MDD when they speak about depression. Major depressive disorder leads people to have a consistently low mood and energy, with depression symptoms, for at least two weeks at a time.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – Seasonal affective disorder causes people to experience depression symptoms during different seasons, either “winter depression” or “summer depression.”
  • Postpartum depression – Postpartum depression can develop in women and men but most commonly occurs in women during or after their pregnancy. Postpartum depression creates a sense of separation between mother and child because it brings feelings of apathy and fear toward the new baby. It’s also possible to develop postpartum after miscarrying.
  • Atypical depression – Atypical depression is similar to MDD, but individuals’ moods often correspond to their life situation. For instance, their depressive episode can lift when something positive happens in their life. It also has symptoms of physical heaviness and rejection sensitivity.

Notably, bipolar disorder I, II, and cyclothymia also include symptoms of depression along with symptoms of mania.

How Is Depression Treated?

If you or a loved one has depression, rest assured that treatment can significantly repair the effect depression has on your life. At Aliya Health Group, our depression counselors treat mental health disorders like depression through a combination of traditional and holistic therapy. Both are equally important to the process of managing one’s disorder because they teach greater self-awareness and coping skills for triggers. Additionally, we provide depression help in the form of our medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines medication with therapeutic recovery.

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How Do I Know if My Family Member Has Depression?

It’s not always possible to tell if someone is struggling with a depressive disorder because they may hide their symptoms well. Often, people with mental disorders are aware something is “wrong,” but they don’t want to burden others with their struggles. Or else they don’t want to be seen as “other.” It’s important to help a family member with depression by encouraging them they aren’t wrong; they’re merely battling a very common illness.

As such, some of the common symptoms of depressive disorders are:

  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Fatigue or heaviness
  • Irritability
  • Desire to sleep
  • Weight changes
  • Social isolation
  • Thoughts about death or dying
  • Suicide attempts

If you recognize these symptoms in your loved one, it’s important to have a gentle conversation. We can help you speak to your loved one about where they can go to receive healing.

What Is Addiction?

Substance addiction is when a person cannot quit using substances, even if they try. Often, individuals know they are in over their heads and want to stop, but they’re unable to do so on their own. This is because many substances are highly addictive by modifying brain messaging until it is dependent on the substance.

What Substances are Addictive? 

Many substances are highly addictive, both drugs and alcohol. Some of the major substances that lead to substance use disorder (SUD) are:

  • Opioids
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Stimulants
  • Hallucinogenics
  • Prescription medications
  • Alcohol

Over repeated use, the brain adapts to substances until it needs more to function normally. Alcohol and drug addictions are serious issues that require outside assistance.

How Is Addiction Treated?

You can overcome your substance addiction through comprehensive professional treatment. At Aliya Health Group, our rehabilitation programming includes traditional and holistic therapy to heal the whole self. Therapy and counseling help individuals understand themselves and their destructive habits from their substance abuse. Above all, clients learn to escape the pull of substances and live a fulfilling, sober life.

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How Can I Tell if a Loved One Has a Substance Use Disorder?

If you suspect your loved one might have a substance use disorder, it’s important they receive professional help. Some substances are very dangerous when mixed together with alcohol and antidepressants. Polysubstance abuse leads to a greater risk of overdose. Undeniably, your love and support make a difference during the battle with drug or alcohol abuse. These symptoms may indicate a substance use disorder in your loved one:

  • Mood swings
  • Sneaky or dishonest behavior
  • Financial struggles
  • An inability to stop using substances
  • Trouble keeping up with responsibilities
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • A high tolerance to substances

What Is the Link Between Depression and Addiction?

Markedly, depression and substance abuse are linked. On the one hand, substance abuse can lead to mental health disorders like depressive disorders. Both substances and mental disorders cause similar dysregulation in the brain, so it is believed SUDs contribute to mental illness. Further, some of the common withdrawal symptoms from drugs are mental illness symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and paranoia.

On the other hand, mental disorders like depression can lead to substance addiction when individuals self-medicate their pain. Substances have a numbing effect that can temporarily reduce the harshness of mental illness but is worse in the long run. In reality, substance addiction and mental disorders exacerbate each other.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Depression and Addiction

Having more than one illness at the same time is called dual diagnosis. For instance, if your loved one struggles with depression and substance addiction, our dual diagnosis treatment will provide holistic healing.

Supporting a Loved One Battling Depression and Addiction

Knowing how to get help for someone with a mental disorder is challenging, but we aim to remove the uncertainty from the situation. As such, we help families with depression by providing comprehensive treatment for their loved ones. Depression and substance abuse will aggravate each other until the individual receives help. Our programming sets and follows treatment plan goals for depression through traditional and holistic therapy.

Psychotherapy for Depression and Addiction

Psychotherapy is traditional talk therapy, similar to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It is evidence-based for treating mental health disorders, including depression. The emphasis of treatment is understanding the client’s negative thinking and behavior patterns to modify their actions. Additionally, medication can be combined with treatment for the management of depression symptoms.

Holistic Therapy for Depression and Addiction

Further, all of our clients engage in holistic therapy activities for total body healing. Practices like meditation, yoga, sound therapy, massage therapy, and tai chi all teach stress relief and inner-centeredness. Clients can continue to find restoration through these activities after leaving treatment for any addiction or mental health conditions. Co-occurring mental disorders and addiction need to be treated at the same time for the most effective recovery. We have treatment options for mental illness and substance misuse that can help you turn things around.

If you have more questions about how to help your loved one with depression and addiction, please reach out to our mental health professionals today. We have a place for them at our mental health addiction treatment facility.

Tai Chi for Anxiety: The Value of Holistic Recovery

When it comes to holistic rehabilitation for mental illness, you can find peace through tai chi for anxiety. This Chinese wellness practice originated centuries ago and still teaches individuals mind-body connection and self-control. At Aliya Health Group, we promote full-body healing as a key aim of rehab. Thus, we provide holistic activities like tai chi for anxiety to alleviate symptoms and help people improve their lives. Let’s talk about the many benefits of tai chi as a treatment for mental health.

What Is Tai Chi?

As mentioned, tai chi stems from ancient Chinese culture. The practice of tai chi is both mental and physical, with a strong emphasis on promoting spiritual wholeness. In essence, those who perform tai chi complete movements synced to their breathing to experience relaxation and vitality. Notably, tai chi has its roots in Taoism, an ancient Eastern philosophy. Taoism believes that the body is composed of energy that can be channeled to flow intentionally. In this belief, a healthy system has free-flowing energy, while blocked energy leads to poor health. Because energy can be blocked by negative experiences like trauma and stress, tai chi focuses on redirecting energy to release stress.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health disorder under the category of anxiety disorders. These are conditions with symptoms of distress over worrisome thoughts, fear, stress, and anxiousness in the body and mind. Some anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorders, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. Anxiety, when severe, can seriously impact someone’s life and cause them to avoid situations that would trigger symptoms. Additionally, it can cause them to stay trapped in feelings of worry, unrest, panic, and helplessness.

Tai Chi for Mental Health Treatment

Tai chi is a holistic anxiety disorder treatment, meaning it addresses anxiety while also improving mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. Although tai chi’s positive effects may not be widely understood, there is ample evidence showing it betters mental illness symptoms. For instance, tai chi for mental health has been shown to improve symptoms of both anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. The elderly population has been a key demographic in trying tai chi, as it is low impact and easy to practice. Yet, tai chi has mental health benefits for people of all ages.

Using Tai Chi for Anxiety

Treating anxiety with tai chi is simple and straightforward. Mental health counselors incorporate the movement and meditation aspects of the practice in therapeutic settings. The gentle physical moves and intentional inner focus on energy flow have a calming effect on the whole self. In fact, consistent meditation actually helps rewire the brain to have a more positive reaction to anxious scenarios. Thus, people who engage in tai chi as a daily or weekly practice have improved mental health symptoms. By strengthening the brain through tai chi, individuals have improved coping skills when strife does arrive. For instance, they are better equipped to manage their stress and anxiety rather than be held captive by their feelings.

How Does Tai Chi Reduce Anxiety?

There is success with using tai chi for anxiety disorders because of the way the ancient practice calms the body and mind. Some of the main benefits of tai chi are improved balance, deeper breathing, muscle stretching, and muscle relaxation. Thus, fluid movements help remove tension from the body through an intentional flow of motion. In the brain, it actually reduces neuroinflammatory sensitization to regulate mood and mental illness symptoms.

Tai Chi Poses for Anxiety

Tai chi exercise has a very low impact and focuses on light movement and breathing. Thus, it is suitable for people of all ages. There are many tai chi poses for anxiety that range in difficulty. Tai chi postures are either high, middle, or low. As individuals improve their flexibility and strength, they can work towards more challenging poses.

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The Importance of Breathwork and Meditation During Tai Chi

Breathwork and mindfulness are key elements of Tai Chi’s benefits for mental health. Significantly, meditation for anxiety helps calm the nervous system to regulate mood. By creating balance in the autonomic nervous system (responsible for controlling breathing and blood pressure), it aids in emotional regulation. Mental disorder symptoms, like those of anxiety and depression, include irregular mood patterns and anxiousness. In sum, meditation and deep breathing improve mental illnesses by inducing changes in the brain that increase one’s ability to manage symptoms.  

Other Holistic Anxiety Treatment

In addition to tai chi, there are other beneficial holistic treatments for anxiety that can be combined with traditional therapy. At Aliya’s treatment providers, we offer these holistic options for anxiety.


Tai chi and yoga sometimes get confused for each other. It’s true that yoga and tai chi are both practices that incorporate movement and meditation for holistic wellness. We believe in the proven benefits of yoga as a holistic activity in rehab. Yoga poses increase flexibility, strength, and relaxation, while the meditation aspect helps people release tension and reduces stress.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a holistic wellness activity that improves your mental and physical wellness. Notably, it is a common treatment for anxiety symptoms, particularly generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Registered massage therapists walk individuals through a session that is relaxing, tension-relieving, and stress-reducing. Additionally, breathwork is an important part of massage therapy.

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Find Professional Therapy for Anxiety

Out holistic and wellness services provide professional treatment for anxiety disorders and mental illness. Whether you prefer a mixture of traditional and holistic therapy or solely want to focus on holistic recovery options, we can tailor your treatment plan. We provide inpatient and outpatient recovery programming.

Inpatient Treatment for Anxiety

In residential inpatient treatment, clients live in our treatment facilities and receive around-the-clock support. Inpatient rehab is an ideal first step for those who need comprehensive assistance for their mental illness.

Outpatient Treatment for Anxiety

Outpatient treatment can be the next step for those who complete inpatient treatment. Otherwise, it can be a direct stage for those who can handle more independence in recovery. Clients live at home or in community housing and attend regular therapy sessions through Aliya.

If you’re struggling with mental illness symptoms, we encourage you to give tai chi for anxiety a try! Reach out to us so we can help make it happen.