Family Services

Addiction affects nearly every aspect of someone’s life. That includes their family.  Substance abuse causes strain, stress, and communication breakdowns that can harm a family dynamic. Addiction can have a profound impact on families, affecting their relationships, finances, mental health, and overall well-being. It’s important for families to seek support and resources to help them cope with the challenges they face and navigate the journey toward healing and recovery. 

Aliya Health Group understands the important role that families play in recovery from substance use disorders and we incorporate family therapy and family services into our treatment and recovery programs for drug and alcohol addiction.

The Importance of Family Support in Recovery

Family support plays an important role in addiction recovery. The unwavering love, understanding, and guidance from family members provide a sense of belonging and motivation to overcome addiction. Families can offer practical assistance, such as rides to therapy sessions, helping with daily tasks, and creating a supportive environment at home. They can be an extra layer of accountability to ensure someone does everything possible to turn their life around.  

Families can also help with the mental and emotional toll of addiction. Family support fosters open communication, allowing individuals in recovery to express their feelings and concerns without fear of judgment. With the backing of their family, individuals are better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of recovery, build healthy coping mechanisms, and establish meaningful connections that reinforce their commitment to sobriety. 

The involvement of family members in the recovery process not only enhances the chances of successful recovery but also strengthens familial bonds and fosters a sense of hope for a brighter future ahead.

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How Does Addiction Impact Families?

Addiction can deeply affect families in numerous ways, creating challenges that can be difficult to navigate. It only takes one member of a family to struggle with addiction or mental health issues before it starts to affect everyone as a whole. Understanding how addiction negatively impacts families can help recognize when it’s happening in your life.

Here are some of the ways addiction can harm a family unit:

Strained Relationships: Addiction often leads to strained relationships within families. Trust may be broken, communication may break down, and conflicts may arise frequently.

Emotional Distress: Family members may experience a range of intense emotions such as anger, sadness, guilt, and shame. They may feel helpless or frustrated as they watch their loved one struggle with addiction.

Financial Struggles: Addiction can cause financial strain on families. Money may be spent on substance abuse, leading to financial instability or debt. This can affect the family’s ability to meet basic needs or pursue other goals.

Role Reversals: In families affected by addiction, roles may become reversed. Children may take on caregiving responsibilities for their parents, or parents may become dependent on their children for support.

Mental Health Issues: Family members may experience mental health issues such as anxiety or depression as a result of dealing with a loved one’s addiction. The stress of the situation can take a toll on their well-being.

Social Isolation: Families may become socially isolated as they try to cope with the stigma and shame associated with addiction. They may withdraw from friends and community activities to avoid judgment or scrutiny.

These are just some of the ways that addiction can destroy a happy and healthy family. There are countless other ways as well. Finding the right help when it comes to addiction treatment can make all the difference in recovery. Aliya Health Group offers support for individuals and their families when it comes time to find treatment. We understand that healing together creates a stronger family unit that can be beneficial for sustained sobriety.

Can Family Dynamics Impact Addiction or Make It Worse?

For some people, family dynamics may be one of the reasons they started abusing substances in the first place. If your family has a history of mental health disorders or addiction, it can increase the likelihood of developing similar issues. Genetic predispositions can make individuals more vulnerable to these conditions.

Family environment can also play a role in shaping an individual’s mental health and susceptibility to addiction. Factors such as parental substance abuse, neglect, abuse, or inconsistent parenting can contribute to the development of mental health issues and addictive behaviors. Family-related trauma or chronic stress within the family unit can have long-lasting effects on mental health. Adverse childhood experiences like witnessing domestic violence or sexual violence, experiencing parental divorce, or experiencing emotional neglect or any kind of child abuse can increase the risk of mental health disorders and addiction later in life.

Family members can also unknowingly enable addiction or foster co-dependency, which is when unhealthy behaviors such as enabling, caretaking, and sacrificing one’s own needs for the sake of the other person, can make it more difficult to seek help and establish healthy boundaries.

What Is Family Therapy?

 Family therapy, also known as family counseling or family systems therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving communication and resolving conflicts within families. It views the family as a system with interconnected members, where changes in one individual, such as an addiction problem, can affect the dynamics of the entire family unit. Family therapy aims to identify and address patterns of interaction, dysfunctional behaviors, and underlying issues that contribute to family problems or conflicts. The goal is to improve familial relations as a whole, as well as address and treat specific issues like substance use disorders and the problems that arise as a result.

In family counseling sessions, a trained therapist facilitates discussions and activities involving multiple family members. The therapist helps family members explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to specific issues or challenges they are facing. Through guided conversations, role-playing exercises, and other therapeutic techniques, family members learn to communicate more effectively, express empathy, and understand each other’s perspectives.

Substance Abuse Assessment: Is My Loved One Addicted?

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Family Therapy and Addiction

When it comes to addiction treatment and recovery, family therapy can be a valuable process. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counseling Administration, those who include their family in substance abuse treatment are more likely to find success in rehab. Family therapy educates family members about addiction as a disease and its impact on both the individual and the family unit. It helps dispel myths, reduce stigma, and foster empathy and understanding toward the person struggling with addiction. Since addiction may have caused issues within the family previously, part of family therapy is repairing the trust and love that family members should feel for one another.

Family therapy plays a supportive role in the individual’s recovery journey by providing encouragement, motivation, and practical support. Family members learn how to be allies in the recovery process, offering encouragement, positive reinforcement, and assistance with relapse prevention strategies.

When someone knows they aren’t alone on their path to addiction recovery, it can make the challenge easier to face. Our treatment programs help foster health and well-being for the entire family. That includes substance abuse treatment and mental health care. Don’t wait to get help for substance abuse and mental health when there are options to help you and your family right now.

These levels of care are overseen by caring, dedicated, and experienced therapists and treatment professionals. Their goal is to help everyone find the path to stronger mental health.

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How To Help a Loved One Get Treatment

The fact that you’re already looking for help means you’re on the right track! The next step you should take is recommending they get treatment through a recovery center. That conversation can be daunting so here are some tips on how to help a loved one into behavioral health and addiction treatment.

Find a time when both you and your loved one are calm and free from distractions. Choose a private and comfortable setting to have an open and honest conversation without interruptions. Start the conversation by expressing your love and concern for your loved one. Use “I” statements to convey your feelings without placing blame or judgment. For example, “I’m worried about your health and well-being” or “I care about you and want to support you.”

Share specific instances or behaviors that have led you to believe that your loved one may need help with their addiction. Be honest and factual without exaggerating or minimizing the severity of the situation. It may take more than one conversation to get someone thinking about attending rehab. That’s okay! Everyone needs to recover at their own pace.

If your loved one is resistant to treatment or if the situation becomes unmanageable, consider seeking guidance from a therapist, counselor, or intervention specialist who can provide additional support and guidance. Our admissions team would love to offer advice on how to proceed, so please call us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Treatment

Addiction and mental health disorders are challenging to deal with. Most of us just wish the problem would go away. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. We’ve compiled some frequently asked questions about getting help from a treatment center. If you have other worries or questions, feel free to contact us anytime.

Who does addiction affect?

Addiction doesn’t just impact the individual experiencing it. It affects those around them as well. Family, friends, coworkers, classmates, and more can all feel a strain when someone they know is having mental health issues. 

What should I do when I realize a loved one has a problem?

It’s great that you’re trying to help the person you care about! Take the time to learn about the specific addiction or mental health issue your loved one is facing. Understand the symptoms, potential triggers, and available treatments. This knowledge will help you provide better support. Find a private and appropriate time to express your concerns to your loved one. Use non-judgmental language and express your care and support for them.

Finally, get help and advice from a certified treatment provider like Aliya Health Group. 

Where can I go for help?

 Treatment is best provided by licensed professionals. Our team of knowledgeable therapists, counselors, and clinicians is empathetic and committed to providing judgment-free spaces of conversation and healing.

What is the best treatment?

The most comprehensive treatment for addiction and mental health is a mixture of therapy, counseling, and medication management. Different issues may have specific therapies that offer more effective relief. Speaking with a professional clinician can offer more insight into which therapies are best for someone’s unique situation. 

Family Services at Aliya Health Group

At Aliya Health Group, we prioritize comprehensive care for clients and their families. Our goal is to address the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of the family unit and help improve communication to end addiction. Our clinical team consists of highly qualified addiction and behavioral health professionals who recognize the uniqueness of each family. We tailor treatment plans based on their personal experiences and challenges, acknowledging that a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t effective due to the complexities of addiction and mental health conditions.

If you’d like to learn more about how our treatment programs and family therapy can help improve the lives of the people you care about, call us today. Let’s get started on the road to a brighter future. We have a recovery program that can help you!

Please reach out through our contact form or by phone. We can help you get your loved one everything they need for their recovery. 

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