Recovery Support Meetings

Recovery support meetings are an essential step in addiction recovery and long-term sobriety. Peer support groups are most beneficial when combined with formal addiction treatment programming. This is because clients learn to understand themselves and why they abuse substances in recovery. Then, in support meetings, individuals learn coping skills for maintaining sobriety. You can discover a vital purpose for staying sober which grounds them in their goals. Depending on the program you enter, you may be driven by the concept of a higher power or achieving your personal goals. 

More than anything else, support groups help individuals connect with their peers in the difficult journey of lifelong sobriety. Without a solid base of support, overcoming substance abuse is very difficult. Support groups also provide structure and ongoing education, so members always evolve in their recovery. Aliya Health Group offers a variety of recovery support meetings, including 12-step programs and alternative groups.

What Are Recovery Support Meetings?

Essentially, recovery support meetings are groups that center around a specific struggle shared by members. They meet regularly and have structure, with an overarching aim to encourage healing through discussion and teaching. Members are held accountable to put into practice the trigger management and coping methods they learn until they next meet.

Crucially, support meetings help those in recovery because they provide a strong sense of grounding through consistency. Maintaining sobriety is hard, but members only have to focus on reaching the next meeting. They know they’ll be praised for their effort at each meeting, which motivates them to stay sober. Recovery groups also connect people with support counselors they can turn to. These counselors are experienced in the recovery process and can provide personalized guidance to help members stay on track.

In addition to support meetings, recovery groups also offer educational resources. Members can learn about the science behind addiction, the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body, and how to build a healthy lifestyle for sustainable recovery. They can also gain insight into other people’s experiences and struggles, which can help them feel less alone in their own journey.

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Recovery Support Meeting Features

Recovery Support Meetings
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Do Support Meetings Help in Recovery?

Recovery support meetings exist for those struggling with substance abuse and mental health. Because recovery is most effective when treatment and support groups combine, many people in these programs have completed treatment or are in progress. Meetings are run by trained, licensed counselors and therapists, many of whom once entered the programs themselves. Best of all, support meetings are largely free to participate in, making them open to all!

Oftentimes, treatment centers will provide 12-step and alternate programs within their aftercare programming. Sometimes, centers will collaborate with local groups to provide transportation to meetings. Our centers offer recovery support meetings in-center and coordinate with local support groups so each client can enter the program they choose.

What Are the Different Types of Recovery Support Meetings?

There are recovery meetings for unique situations so everyone can find help. For example, meetings exist for drug and alcohol addictions, trauma, behavioral addictions, loss and grief, and more. There are also meetings targeted towards families, couples, and individuals. Further, there are groups for niche and also more generalized situations.

Individuals can choose the focus of their recovery meetings depending on the direction they want their journey to go. These include 12-step programs and alternate options. We will walk through the differences of a few popular peer groups.

12-Step Programs

Essentially, 12-step programs help people overcome addiction by looking to a higher power as the source of strength. In this way, meetings connect individuals in a shared battle and foster accountability. 12-step programming offers resources for individuals, like online chats and regular in-person meetings. Since they’re free and community-focused, many people participate in the twelve steps of recovery from their substance abuse. The 12 principles are consecutive actions members work through on their journey that lead to greater acceptance, understanding, and self-reliance. In sum, people appreciate the clear steps and can find purpose in the curriculum’s focus on a higher power.

There are several well-known 12-step programs for substance use disorders such as:

The two most popular 12-step groups are AA and NA. These groups also have counterparts geared toward helping loved ones such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon. These groups help friends and families work through their own recovery process and heal from the damaging effects of addiction and severe mental illness.

Other 12-step groups you may have heard of include Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA), and Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA). These groups can help people who struggle with behavioral addictions by developing a strong sense of community and forward momentum.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a subset of 12-step programming for people battling alcohol abuse. As such, A.A.’s goal is to help members maintain lasting sobriety. A.A. was formed in 1935 and continues to charge nothing and make participation easy. There is no enrollment process, as people are invited to come as they are and keep returning. Through community, discussions about addiction, and actionable steps to work through, many find A.A. support meetings help them overcome addiction.

Some of the core principles of A.A. are personal growth, acceptance, and community. Members are encouraged to help each other along the way. As a result, Alcoholics Anonymous does a great job of fostering a sense of belonging and support.

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous, or N.A., uses the 12 steps to recovery to help individuals overcome addiction to drugs. N.A. was formed in 1953 in California and has since spread globally to include 143 countries. People can attend in-person groups or virtual meetings if they can’t find a location nearby. Members find relief and support by meeting consistently, which includes readings, discussion, and help working through 12-step lists.

Under the heading of Narcotics Anonymous, there are groups for more specific addictions. For example, these include Cocaine Anonymous, Heroin Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, and Marijuana Anonymous. N.A. follows the same core principles as A.A. and encourages a sense of greater purpose through helping oneself and others in the healing process.

Alternatives to 12-Step Programs

Although 12-step programs are popular, not all recovery programs are based on the 12 principles. In reality, alternate support groups exist for those who prefer a different curriculum. Each addiction support program has a varied approach to achieving sobriety. Individuals can try multiple to see what resonates. One difference between 12-step and alternate recovery is the focus on a higher power versus more of a self-reliance stance. Let’s explore some options outside of 12-step programming.

Secular Organization for Sobriety

Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS) is a network of support groups spanning the world. There are online meetings individuals can join, or the option to start a local group. SOS has been entirely free and anonymous since its beginning in 1985. Fundamentally, members tackle their addiction by assigning sobriety the highest urgency in their lives. Making wise choices, leaning on a support system, and holding oneself accountable are key values of SOS. Further, there are no religious elements of SOS for those who have such a preference.

SMART Recovery

The SMART Recovery approach stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. For this reason, its core principles center around self-resilience, and personal choice, but also receiving support from others. It is now a worldwide approach since launching in the U.S. in 1994.

Emphasis is placed on self-empowerment. Members follow evidence-based recovery therapy practices like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT). SMART Recovery teaches people how to overcome their triggers and stay consistent in their reasons why sobriety matters.

Refuge Recovery

Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist-oriented recovery program that doesn’t require any religious background. It defines the addiction cycle as a form of suffering and offers Buddhist principles to escape it. Therefore, through a focus on awakening, truth, and community, members learn skills to find refuge outside of addictive tendencies. Refuge Recovery includes a daily component of healing so the work is both individual and collective. The program draws on the ancient practice of Buddhism but with a practical modern outlook for current struggles.

LifeRing Secular Recovery

LifeRing Secular Recovery is an addiction support group with an emphasis on sobriety, secularity, and self-help. These 3-S philosophies outline that self-reliance and acceptance are key elements of LifeRing’s recovery program. Importantly, LifeRing branched off from Organizations for Sobriety, so many aspects are similar. By picturing one’s Sober Self, members make conscious decisions in the present to impact their future. Overall, the program makes recovery self-driven and goal-focused.

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What Are the Benefits of Recovery Support Groups?

Research and personal testimonies all show that recovery support groups help maintain sobriety after addiction. Crucially, support meetings show people they’re not alone in the often-isolating experience of substance abuse. Not only do members relate to each other, but they can also walk with each other and foster accountability. Mutual sobriety support has long been shown to bolster individuals in their recovery journey. 

Also, another benefit is the structure support groups provide. Regular meetings bring organization to the difficult and often stressful process of recovery. Plus, daily and weekly meet-ups provide relief. Struggling individuals know they only need to make it to their next meeting, where they’ll find the strength to continue. Research shows recovery group how members feel an increased sense of community and support in their rehab.

When combined with addiction treatment involving counseling and therapy, as well as optional medication management, recovery support groups are most effective. This is not surprising, since treatment gives people a basis of healing to work from. Peer support meetings further these healing practices, like discussion, behavioral therapy, and relapse prevention. 

Therefore, to find out more about the recovery options we provide at Aliya, reach out today! We would love to walk with you throughout your healing. 

Where Can I Find Recovery Support Meetings?

Fortunately, there are recovery support meetings spanning the globe for anyone on their addiction journey.  You can access online recovery meetings in various time zones, as well as local meetings. If you’re looking to find a specific support group outlined above, you can look with them directly. Otherwise, you can check out nearby in-person meetings. 

If you’re in a treatment program for your addiction, most facilities either provide recovery groups or connect clients to local meetings. Aliya Health Group’s treatment centers have networks of aftercare services to support clients after the brunt work of detox is complete. We can help you find the right support group for your needs, whatever you’re struggling with. Maintaining a sense of community can be hard after leaving residential treatment, but it is a crucial time for sustaining your sobriety. Let us help connect you with a recovery group!

Recovery Support Meetings FAQs

You likely have a lot of questions about support meetings for addiction, especially if peer support groups are new to you. These commonly asked questions can help you feel more prepared. 

Do I have to get up and share during a meeting?

Discussion is an important part of recovery support meetings because it promotes a sense that everyone stands on common ground. Also, talking about your thoughts and feelings is a key part of healing. However, you may be nervous at first. Your facilitator will help you reach a level of comfort at meetings so you feel safe to share.

What happens if I miss a meeting?

Support group meetings are most effective when you attend consistently, as that leads to personal growth and healing. Yet, facilitators are understanding about needing to sometimes miss meetings when life gets in the way. Some recovery groups require a sign-up process, while others are drop-in-based. Talk to your facilitator for a more in-depth answer about what to do if you need to miss a meeting. 

Are there different meetings for different substances?

Yes, recovery support meetings take all shapes and sizes to accommodate people’s specific addictions. While some aspects of addiction can be universal, it’s important to connect with people who understand how different substances affect us. There are 12-step and alternative meetings for alcohol and drug addictions. 

Can my friends or family members come to meetings?

Most often, recovery meetings are open, which means attendees can bring friends or family along. This is because more than just the individual is affected by substance abuse. Meetings can be a great time for learning about the other’s feelings and healing together. Also, some organizations provide groups specifically for family and friends!

How long do I have to go to meetings?

How long you attend support recovery meetings is up to you. It’s not uncommon to meet people who’ve attended meetings for years because it keeps them rooted in a supportive community. The choice is largely personal, but it’s recommended to keep attending as long as you like. Of course, you’ll want to complete the programming of your meetings, such as finishing all 12 steps. But mostly, individuals set their own pace for recovery. 

Recovery Support Meetings at Aliya Health Group

At Aliya Health Group, we offer recovery support meetings throughout each level of care within our many treatment facilities. We believe that consistent support is a crucial component of successful recovery. Our meetings provide a safe and encouraging environment for individuals to share their experiences, struggles, and successes with others who understand their journey.

Our meetings are open to all clients in recovery, regardless of where they are in their journey. Whether it’s your first time seeking help or you’ve been in recovery for years, our meetings offer valuable insight, guidance, and support from others who have walked the same path. Likewise, our treatment centers offer specialized meetings for specific groups, such as LGBTQ+ individuals, veterans, Native Americans, or those struggling with co-occurring disorders. These meetings provide a space for individuals to connect with others who may share similar experiences and challenges.

In addition to our in-person meetings, several of our facilities also offer virtual support groups for those who are unable to attend in person. These online meetings allow individuals to connect with others from the comfort of their own homes, making them more accessible for those with busy schedules or mobility issues.

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Recovery Support Meetings Near Me

Aliya Health Group understands the importance of accessible, quality care for those struggling with substance use and mental health disorders. That is why we strive to provide recovery support meetings to everyone, no matter where they live. As such, our treatment facilities offer recovery support to individuals across the United States.

If you or a loved one is seeking help with substance abuse or mental illness, we encourage you to reach out to any of our addiction treatment center locations. We provide recovery support services in Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, and Washington State.

We’re here to help you gain access to the best recovery support options near you.
Give us a call today at 888-973-2078.

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