Is Farmapram Xanax? The Dangers of Mexican Anti-Anxiety Medication
March 4, 2025
Most of us are no stranger to feeling nervous preceding a pivotal personal challenge. Your heart races before that big midterm exam or speaking in front of a huge group. Nervousness prior to an important medical procedure or a job interview is a common emotion we all feel from time to time.
These moments of unease are a normal part of life — they pass, and you move on. Anxiety is a bit different. When persistent worry becomes constant dread or panic, your mind cycles through worst-case scenarios no matter how irrational, anxiety stops being a passing feeling and becomes a legitimate problem, affecting sleep, relationships, work, and daily life.
Statistics show that over 18% of adults experience these same types of anxiety symptoms, and that anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults every year, says the Anxiety & Depression Association of America.
If you’re diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you may be prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. But what about some off-market alternatives? You may have heard whispers about Farmapram or even come across names like Farmapram alprazolam in conversations or online forums.
Does a Farmapram drug deliver the same results as Xanax, and more importantly, is Farmapram (Xanax) safe to use when suffering from an anxiety disorder? Let’s look at the differences, how they work and the potential risks.
What Is Farmapram?
Farmapram may sound unfamiliar, and you may have never seen it advertised or at the pharmacy in the U.S. That’s because it’s an off-brand name for a prescription medication from Mexico containing alprazolam, the same active ingredient as Xanax, one of the most popular mainstream anti-anxiety medications.
Farmapram and alprazolam are both benzodiazepines (or “benzo” for short), a medication widely used since the 1960s to treat and counteract symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder that’s risen in popularity over the decades. The Benzodiazepine Information Coalition states that in a 17-year period from the late 1990s to about 2013, the percentage of people who filled a benzo prescription rose by nearly 30%, as the amount of prescription drugs in the benzo class doubled during this time.
Most noteworthy, according to the coalition, is that anxiety was the most frequent reason for being given the medication, accounting for 56% of all benzo prescriptions. In fact, Xanax is one benzo listed as one of the top 100 most commonly prescribed medications, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
Because your central nervous system is taxed, overstressed and overstimulated during an anxiety or panic attack, benzos work by binding to the GABA-A, or gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors in your brain, telling your nervous system to calm down and be less active.
Benzos closely mimic sedatives and tranquilizers, and in addition to calming your nervous system and reducing anxiety, other Farmapram effects can include the onset of anterograde amnesia (temporarily blocking the formation of new memories) and inducing sleepiness — one reason why benzos are often used to treat insomnia.
Where Does Farmapram Come From?
Xanax is manufactured in the U.S. by Pfizer, but Farmapram drug products are made and distributed by a Mexican pharmaceutical company called Ifa Celtics.
In the U.S., alprazolam is a Schedule 4 Controlled Substance listed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency due to its risk of misuse and abuse. However, these rules don’t apply in Mexico, which means Farmapram is illegal to bring over the border into the U.S.
In December 2023, U.S. border patrol agents arrested a U.S. citizen attempting to smuggle 110 bottles of unprescribed, unregulated alprazolam — equivalent to 3,300 pills — at the Falfurrias, Texas checkpoint, notes the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.
“On December 5, 2023, at about 5 p.m., agents working at the Falfurrias Checkpoint conducted an inspection of a northbound commercial passenger bus,” notes CBP in a press release. “During an immigration inspection of one of the passengers, agents observed nervous behavior. The passenger gave consent to search their personal belongings resulting in the discovery of 110 bottles of Farmapram concealed within potato chip bags.”
Is Farmapram Xanax?
Both Xanax and Farmapram share the same active ingredient, alprazolam, targeted at addressing anxiety symptoms.
Yet, while the chemical makeup is identical, differences in manufacturing practices, quality control and even regional regulatory oversight can lead to variations in the medication. More importantly, Xanax tablets are legally regulated by and registered with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), while Farmapram isn’t.
So, while Farmapram remains regulated under Mexico’s guidelines, it may not meet the same stringent quality control standards as the U.S. system.
But are Farmapram Xanax safe if you read the box label carefully and inspect the tablets before ingesting them? Even if a tablet is labeled as Farmapram, this can be misleading — you can’t be sure of its actual contents without proper regulation and testing. If you purchased it online, there are chances your Mexican Xanax bars could be fake pills containing dangerous ingredients like fentanyl or other synthetic drugs, which can increase the risk of unwanted Farmapram side effects.
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Check Your CoverageIs Farmapram Addictive?
Since Farmapram is a benzo like Xanax, it has the same high-risk potential for developing dependence and addiction. Even when taking legally regulated and prescribed alprazolam beyond your instructed dosage (of if taken recreationally), over time your body can become reliant on the drug.
Addiction takes shape when your body needs a drug to function normally, and you can’t stop taking Farmapram Xanax bars even if you want to.
“Taking too much and running out of your prescription, being overly focused on when you can take the next one and feeling you can’t live without it could be signs that you’re developing a benzodiazepine use disorder,” says a WebMD study.
What Are the Dangers of Farmapram Addiction?
When you become reliant on alprazolam, Farmapram or any benzo, legal or not, Farmapram effects can be hard to ignore, in yourself or in others. Long-term misuse of Farmapram alprazolam can lead to a host of symptoms, including:
- Increased anxiety — perhaps worse than the anxiety symptoms Farmapram/Xanax was meant to address
- Insomnia and fatigue (due to the drug’s sedative effects)
- Severe appetite or weight loss
- Headaches
- Bodily weakness
Of course, these symptoms can act as a gateway to other Farmapram side effects, like memory problems, impaired coordination, drowsiness and confusion, personality changes, respiratory depression, skin rashes, weight gain and an increased risk of overdose (especially when mixed with alcohol, since it and benzos pose a double sedating effect).
“Psychologically,” says the AAFP, “long-term use of benzodiazepines may lead to overreliance on the need for the agent, loss of self-confidence and varying degrees of drug-seeking behavior.”
What Is Farmapram Withdrawal?
If you’ve become addicted to benzos and attempt to quit cold turkey, hard stop, withdrawal symptoms can pose too great of a shock to the body and pose serious consequences. When you face withdrawal, your body is essentially readjusting to the absence of a chemical it’s grown dependent on.
“Withdrawal effects from therapeutic dosages of benzodiazepines are mainly anxiety symptoms,” states the AAFP. “In addition, autonomic instability (i.e., increased heart rate and blood pressure level, tremulousness, diaphoresis), insomnia and sensory hypersensitivity are common. The most serious acute withdrawal symptoms are seizures and delirium tremens, which most commonly occur with abrupt discontinuation.”
Farmapram withdrawal symptoms may merge between three to four days up to two weeks after last using the drug.
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Speak With Our Admissions TeamAnxiety Treatment Options
Alprazolam (even Farmapram or Mexican Xanax) has its place in treating anxiety, but it’s not the only option. In fact, there are so many other helpful and effective anxiety or panic disorder treatments available that don’t involve drugs, that medication should be considered only in the most severe cases.
Here are some addiction treatment programs available at our numerous treatment facilities across eight states:
Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Anxiety
Behavioral therapy, where you sit one-on-one with a counselor or psychologist in a safe, calming space, is one of the most effective ways to get to the heart of your anxieties.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT for short, is one of the more popular evidence-based therapies (which means its methods have been scientifically tested). CBT makes the connection between your thoughts (your cognitive abilities) and your actions (your behavior) and helps you to reframe negative thought patterns that may be adversely influencing your emotions and subsequent ways of acting. Your anxiety may be rooted in underlying issues such as childhood trauma, habitual patterns, substance abuse or past or current situational factors.
CBT aims to explore this by allowing you to dig deep and unpack what drives your anxiety and, ultimately, find the tools and skills within you to cope and re-emerge anxiety-free.
Holistic Treatment for Anxiety
Just as CBT and psychotherapy aim to reconcile the connection between disordered thoughts and actions, holistic treatment programs offer you a way to manage anxiety by nurturing your body and mind together. Holistic means “whole,” and this whole-person approach can manifest itself in a variety of complementary, thoughtful therapies:
- Meditation and mindfulness practices help to still an anxious mind and help you remain in the present moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment and reducing impulsive reactions to stress.
- Yoga and breathwork therapies are like a moving meditation, integrating a series of postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and relaxation techniques to calm the body and mind.
- Nutritional counseling sees you work with a registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist to assess your dietary needs, identify deficiencies and develop personalized nutrition plans to support your physical and mental recovery in the wake of substance abuse.
- Sound therapy is an ancient therapeutic practice utilizing sound frequencies and vibrations to aid in healing anxiety disorder. Sound healing instruments create a sound bath triggering a deep meditative state where physiological and psychosomatic healing can occur.
Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment at Aliya Health Group
Alprazolam and benzo addiction can consume your life and lead you down a challenging path. It doesn’t matter if dependence has started through Xanax or Farmapram pills. The important thing is getting the right treatment to retrain your body and mind to live without the need for substances, to avoid relapsing and to live a clean and sober life — for the rest of your life.
We specialize in treating many types of drug addictions, and benzo use disorder is no exception. If you or a loved one is struggling with a dependency on alprazolam, consider how we can help. Our treatment centers across the country understand the complexities of healing addiction, which is why we take a comprehensive, compassionate approach, from dual diagnosis to medical detox, to inpatient residential treatment and outpatient, to aftercare and sober living that supports your recovery journey once rehab is complete.
One thing we can promise: recovery from benzo addiction is possible with the right help. Call us today for a free consultation (or request a callback). Our 24/7 admissions department is here to answer any questions you have. You can change your life with one phone call.