Is Farmapram Xanax? The Dangers of Mexican Anti-Anxiety Medication

Most of us are no stranger to feeling nervous preceding a pivotal personal challenge. Your heart races before that big midterm exam or speaking in front of a huge group. Nervousness prior to an important medical procedure or a job interview is a common emotion we all feel from time to time. 

These moments of unease are a normal part of life — they pass, and you move on. Anxiety is a bit different. When persistent worry becomes constant dread or panic, your mind cycles through worst-case scenarios no matter how irrational, anxiety stops being a passing feeling and becomes a legitimate problem, affecting sleep, relationships, work, and daily life. 

Statistics show that over 18% of adults experience these same types of anxiety symptoms, and that anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults every year, says the Anxiety & Depression Association of America. 

If you’re diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you may be prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. But what about some off-market alternatives? You may have heard whispers about Farmapram or even come across names like Farmapram alprazolam in conversations or online forums. 

Does a Farmapram drug deliver the same results as Xanax, and more importantly, is Farmapram (Xanax) safe to use when suffering from an anxiety disorder? Let’s look at the differences, how they work and the potential risks. 

What Is Farmapram? 

Farmapram may sound unfamiliar, and you may have never seen it advertised or at the pharmacy in the U.S. That’s because it’s an off-brand name for a prescription medication from Mexico containing alprazolam, the same active ingredient as Xanax, one of the most popular mainstream anti-anxiety medications. 

Farmapram and alprazolam are both benzodiazepines (or “benzo” for short), a medication widely used since the 1960s to treat and counteract symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder that’s risen in popularity over the decades. The Benzodiazepine Information Coalition states that in a 17-year period from the late 1990s to about 2013, the percentage of people who filled a benzo prescription rose by nearly 30%, as the amount of prescription drugs in the benzo class doubled during this time.  

Most noteworthy, according to the coalition, is that anxiety was the most frequent reason for being given the medication, accounting for 56% of all benzo prescriptions. In fact, Xanax is one benzo listed as one of the top 100 most commonly prescribed medications, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).  

Because your central nervous system is taxed, overstressed and overstimulated during an anxiety or panic attack, benzos work by binding to the GABA-A, or gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors in your brain, telling your nervous system to calm down and be less active.  

Benzos closely mimic sedatives and tranquilizers, and in addition to calming your nervous system and reducing anxiety, other Farmapram effects can include the onset of anterograde amnesia (temporarily blocking the formation of new memories) and inducing sleepiness — one reason why benzos are often used to treat insomnia. 

Where Does Farmapram Come From? 

Xanax is manufactured in the U.S. by Pfizer, but Farmapram drug products are made and distributed by a Mexican pharmaceutical company called Ifa Celtics 

In the U.S., alprazolam is a Schedule 4 Controlled Substance listed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency due to its risk of misuse and abuse. However, these rules don’t apply in Mexico, which means Farmapram is illegal to bring over the border into the U.S.  

In December 2023, U.S. border patrol agents arrested a U.S. citizen attempting to smuggle 110 bottles of unprescribed, unregulated alprazolam — equivalent to 3,300 pills — at the Falfurrias, Texas checkpoint, notes the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency.  

“On December 5, 2023, at about 5 p.m., agents working at the Falfurrias Checkpoint conducted an inspection of a northbound commercial passenger bus,” notes CBP in a press release. “During an immigration inspection of one of the passengers, agents observed nervous behavior.  The passenger gave consent to search their personal belongings resulting in the discovery of 110 bottles of Farmapram concealed within potato chip bags.”  

Is Farmapram Xanax?  

Both Xanax and Farmapram share the same active ingredient, alprazolam, targeted at addressing anxiety symptoms.  

Yet, while the chemical makeup is identical, differences in manufacturing practices, quality control and even regional regulatory oversight can lead to variations in the medication. More importantly, Xanax tablets are legally regulated by and registered with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), while Farmapram isn’t.  

So, while Farmapram remains regulated under Mexico’s guidelines, it may not meet the same stringent quality control standards as the U.S. system.  

But are Farmapram Xanax safe if you read the box label carefully and inspect the tablets before ingesting them? Even if a tablet is labeled as Farmapram, this can be misleading — you can’t be sure of its actual contents without proper regulation and testing. If you purchased it online, there are chances your Mexican Xanax bars could be fake pills containing dangerous ingredients like fentanyl or other synthetic drugs, which can increase the risk of unwanted Farmapram side effects. 

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Is Farmapram Addictive? 

Since Farmapram is a benzo like Xanax, it has the same high-risk potential for developing dependence and addiction. Even when taking legally regulated and prescribed alprazolam beyond your instructed dosage (of if taken recreationally), over time your body can become reliant on the drug. 

Addiction takes shape when your body needs a drug to function normally, and you can’t stop taking Farmapram Xanax bars even if you want to.  

“Taking too much and running out of your prescription, being overly focused on when you can take the next one and feeling you can’t live without it could be signs that you’re developing a benzodiazepine use disorder,” says a WebMD study. 

What Are the Dangers of Farmapram Addiction? 

When you become reliant on alprazolam, Farmapram or any benzo, legal or not, Farmapram effects can be hard to ignore, in yourself or in others. Long-term misuse of Farmapram alprazolam can lead to a host of symptoms, including: 

  • Increased anxiety — perhaps worse than the anxiety symptoms Farmapram/Xanax was meant to address
  • Insomnia and fatigue (due to the drug’s sedative effects) 
  • Severe appetite or weight loss
  • Headaches 
  • Bodily weakness 

Of course, these symptoms can act as a gateway to other Farmapram side effects, like memory problems, impaired coordination, drowsiness and confusion, personality changes, respiratory depression, skin rashes, weight gain and an increased risk of overdose (especially when mixed with alcohol, since it and benzos pose a double sedating effect). 

“Psychologically,” says the AAFP, “long-term use of benzodiazepines may lead to overreliance on the need for the agent, loss of self-confidence and varying degrees of drug-seeking behavior.” 

What Is Farmapram Withdrawal? 

If you’ve become addicted to benzos and attempt to quit cold turkey, hard stop, withdrawal symptoms can pose too great of a shock to the body and pose serious consequences. When you face withdrawal, your body is essentially readjusting to the absence of a chemical it’s grown dependent on. 

“Withdrawal effects from therapeutic dosages of benzodiazepines are mainly anxiety symptoms,” states the AAFP. “In addition, autonomic instability (i.e., increased heart rate and blood pressure level, tremulousness, diaphoresis), insomnia and sensory hypersensitivity are common. The most serious acute withdrawal symptoms are seizures and delirium tremens, which most commonly occur with abrupt discontinuation.”  

Farmapram withdrawal symptoms may merge between three to four days up to two weeks after last using the drug. 

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Anxiety Treatment Options  

Alprazolam (even Farmapram or Mexican Xanax) has its place in treating anxiety, but it’s not the only option. In fact, there are so many other helpful and effective anxiety or panic disorder treatments available that don’t involve drugs, that medication should be considered only in the most severe cases. 

Here are some addiction treatment programs available at our numerous treatment facilities across eight states: 

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Anxiety 

Behavioral therapy, where you sit one-on-one with a counselor or psychologist in a safe, calming space, is one of the most effective ways to get to the heart of your anxieties.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT for short, is one of the more popular evidence-based therapies (which means its methods have been scientifically tested). CBT makes the connection between your thoughts (your cognitive abilities) and your actions (your behavior) and helps you to reframe negative thought patterns that may be adversely influencing your emotions and subsequent ways of acting. Your anxiety may be rooted in underlying issues such as childhood trauma, habitual patterns, substance abuse or past or current situational factors.   

CBT aims to explore this by allowing you to dig deep and unpack what drives your anxiety and, ultimately, find the tools and skills within you to cope and re-emerge anxiety-free. 

Holistic Treatment for Anxiety  

Just as CBT and psychotherapy aim to reconcile the connection between disordered thoughts and actions, holistic treatment programs offer you a way to manage anxiety by nurturing your body and mind together. Holistic means “whole,” and this whole-person approach can manifest itself in a variety of complementary, thoughtful therapies: 

  • Meditation and mindfulness practices help to still an anxious mind and help you remain in the present moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment and reducing impulsive reactions to stress. 
  • Yoga and breathwork therapies are like a moving meditation, integrating a series of postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and relaxation techniques to calm the body and mind. 
  • Nutritional counseling sees you work with a registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist to assess your dietary needs, identify deficiencies and develop personalized nutrition plans to support your physical and mental recovery in the wake of substance abuse. 
  • Sound therapy is an ancient therapeutic practice utilizing sound frequencies and vibrations to aid in healing anxiety disorder. Sound healing instruments create a sound bath triggering a deep meditative state where physiological and psychosomatic healing can occur. 

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment at Aliya Health Group  

Alprazolam and benzo addiction can consume your life and lead you down a challenging path. It doesn’t matter if dependence has started through Xanax or Farmapram pills. The important thing is getting the right treatment to retrain your body and mind to live without the need for substances, to avoid relapsing and to live a clean and sober life — for the rest of your life. 

We specialize in treating many types of drug addictions, and benzo use disorder is no exception. If you or a loved one is struggling with a dependency on alprazolam, consider how we can help. Our treatment centers across the country understand the complexities of healing addiction, which is why we take a comprehensive, compassionate approach, from dual diagnosis to medical detox, to inpatient residential treatment and outpatient, to aftercare and sober living that supports your recovery journey once rehab is complete.  

One thing we can promise: recovery from benzo addiction is possible with the right help. Call us today for a free consultation (or request a callback). Our 24/7 admissions department is here to answer any questions you have. You can change your life with one phone call. 

Can the Non-Opioid Journavx Help End Painkiller Addiction?

Finding pain relief can be challenging because opioid pain meds are highly addictive and dangerous, which is why a new drug called Journavx is in the news. Journavx is an opioid-free pain killer that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier this year. In the past, those struggling with acute pain (short-term) often had to choose between relief and the fear of developing an addiction. Since Journavx is the first-of-its-kind non-opioid painkiller medication, it is changing the medical field for the better. Some people believe this new drug could be the key to ending the painkiller addiction crisis. Let’s unpack Journavx and how it works to determine whether the medication is all it is purported to be.

What Is Journavx?

Journavx, the brand name for the drug suzetrigine, is a non-opioid pain medication that is approved by the FDA for acute pain management. Notably, Journavx is a first-in-class drug, meaning it uses a new mechanism of action to relieve pain. In the past, the effects Journavx offers would have come with a risk of addiction development. Now, people don’t have to choose between different health choices like pain relief or addiction.

Does Journavx Work?

As you may be aware, opioid abuse is a severe problem known as the opioid crisis. In 2022, almost 108,000 people in the U.S. died from drug-related overdoses. Of this number, an estimated 73,838 cases involved opioids, which alone are the leading overdose death drug. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in the brain to stimulate the reward system. Because the results are pleasurable, the brain actually modifies itself to adapt to substances. Notably, opioids can be both natural, synthetic, and semi-synthetic. Some common opioids are morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, methadone, and fentanyl.

Since an effective non-opioid pain medication has been sought after and prioritized for decades, you might wonder if Journavx works. The answer is yes! Journavx produces similar pain-relieving results as opioid medications but without the addictive risks. In randomized studies, Journavx was shown to relieve moderate to severe acute pain to the same degree as opioids. This is considered a huge landmark treatment, as pain medication that isn’t addictive has been largely ineffective thus far.

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How Does Journavx Work for Pain Management?

As mentioned, Journavx is a first-in-class medication that provides pain relief by targeting different body functions than opioids do. Essentially, the medication works by blocking pain from being felt in the body without affecting the brain. Whereas opioids are so addictive because they stimulate and alter the opioid reward system in the brain, Journavx works differently. It blocks sodium ion channels, which stop the nerve cells from carrying electrical impulses that signal pain. 

Until now, opioids have been virtually the only strong pain-relieving option. Other than turning to opioids with their high risk of addiction, those with pain have had to use over-the-counter pain meds. But these yield little results for severe pain. How Journavx works on the body rather than the brain is exciting and will hopefully improve the state of the opioid crisis moving forward.

Journavx vs Other Non-Opioid Pain Medication

Journavx is not the only pain management medicine on the market that isn’t habit-forming. There are other non-addictive opioids that can be prescribed over-the-counter. Some of the options include:

  • Aspirin
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, i.e. Ibuprofen)
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Yet, these other non-addictive painkillers tend to be ineffective at reducing pain to the same degree as opioids. For those with severe pain, like from an operation, injury, or cancer, a stronger option is needed to raise their quality of life. Many people turn to opioids out of necessity, but the risks can far outweigh the benefits.

What are Journavx’s Benefits and Risks?

Journavx has the obvious benefit of providing pain relief without the risk of addiction. Journavx is expected to have no habit-forming potential because it doesn’t target the brain. There are some side effects to watch for, even with safe painkillers. In studies, the most common potential side effects are muscle spasms, itchiness, rash, and increased creatine phosphokinase in the blood. Your medical treatment provider will be able to monitor you and address any side effects.

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The Dangers of Opioid Pain Medication

Although opioids are often abused, they do serve an important purpose. They are often used in medical settings like hospitals and can be prescribed for patient use. Yet, doctors are not inclined to prescribe opioids as a medication unless absolutely necessary because the drugs are so addictive. As mentioned, opioids are pain-relieving medications with incredibly strong properties. They are often used post-operation for pain management, as well as in people with cancer and those with chronic pain. Individuals who have acute and subacute pain (like after an injury) may be prescribed at-home use of opioids. In these cases, the individual is weaned off the drug once they’ve recovered. On the other hand, prescription opioids can be administered for chronic pain as a long-term medication. Yet, because they are so addictive, taking opioids is risky.

For those with pain, there is a need for safe pain medication. This is why non-opioid pain relievers are necessary. These safer alternatives to pain relief don’t carry the risk of addiction associated with many painkiller meds. Although no one sets out to form an addiction, the risk of dependency is high when using opioids. These dangerous substances are too powerful for individuals to control, as they work on the brain to change neurochemistry. For those who want to avoid the physical, mental, and emotional health risks, we are pleased to offer alternative medications.

Finding an Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Facility

Fortunately, there now exists Journavx, a non-opioid pain medication to replace opioids. People struggling with acute, subacute, and chronic pain can find relief without the risk of addiction. Understandably, opioid addiction can devastate your life. If you’ve been battling with opioid abuse and can’t manage your dependency anymore, it’s time to seek help. Please understand there is no shame in needing outside intervention. Oftentimes, people don’t understand how powerful substances like opioids are when they act on the brain and body. As an individual, it is incredibly difficult and unlikely to overcome opioid addiction alone.

Yet, with the assistance of a professional medical treatment center, relief is possible! Our medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program combines medication with traditional therapy and holistic counseling. We can help you overcome your addiction with FDA-approved medicine for substance use disorders (SUD).

Let us walk you through the mental, emotional, and physical healing from your addiction. You can choose from our many treatment facilities across the United States. We’re ready to help you, so make the first move today.

Carfentanil vs Fentanyl: Understanding These Powerful Drugs

When it comes to opioids, two of the most dangerous are carfentanil vs. fentanyl. Although both drugs have their purpose in medicine, when used illicitly, they present grave danger of overdose and death. It’s more likely you’ve heard of fentanyl, but what is carfentanil? Let’s explore the differences between both substances and unpack why they can have catastrophic effects on your health.

What Is Carfentanil?

Carfentanil is the most powerful commercially used opioid. It acts as a tranquilizer, opioid analgesic, and mu-opioid receptor agonist. This means it has strong effects like sedation, pain relief, and drowsiness. However, carfentanil is not safe for human use, as it’s a veterinary anesthetic for massive-sized animals, including elephants. In a human, even a small amount can be a carfentanil lethal dose. The drug can be sourced as carfentanil pills, powder, patches, and liquid.

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid used as a painkiller in medical scenarios. Because of how potent it is, fentanyl can be administered for severe pain, including chronic pain, cancer, and post-surgery pain. In fact, fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine, an alternative painkiller. It is also roughly 50 times stronger than heroin, a semi-synthetic opioid deriving from the poppy plant. Thus, fentanyl should only be used as prescribed by a doctor because even a small dose can be lethal. However, recreational fentanyl use has risen in recent years and largely contributes to the opioid crisis. Fentanyl is often laced with other substances or misleadingly sold as a different opioid.

Opioid Abuse Statistics

Over 3 million people in the United States struggle with opioid use disorder (OUD), of which fentanyl is a prevalent cause. Overdose deaths are a major concern across the world, which is also why opioid abuse is so concerning. The spiral into addiction occurs quickly with both fentanyl and carfentanil and can lead to overdose death. In 2023, an estimated 70% of overdose deaths in the U.S. were due to illegal fentanyl drugs, including carfentanil.

The Difference Between Carfentanil vs Fentanyl  

Carfentanil and fentanyl are drugs in the same drug class and act as opioid analgesics with painkilling and relaxing effects. However, there is a key difference. Alarmingly, carfentanil is 100 times more toxic than fentanyl because it’s made for large animal veterinary medicine. In powder form, even a few grains can have a fatal result. Your risk of severe physical and mental dangers is greatly increased with carfentanil use vs. fentanyl, although both opioids can be deadly.

Which Is Stronger?

Undeniably, carfentanil is the stronger drug, at 100 times more potent than fentanyl and 10,000 times more potent than morphine.

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What Are the Risks of Using Carfentanil and Fentanyl?

There are many dangers of using either carfentanil or fentanyl, let alone engaging in polysubstance use and mixing drugs. Both fentanyl and carfentanil deaths are risks of abusing substances. The key concerns are addiction, overdose, and negative health effects.

Addiction Risks of Carfentanil and Fentanyl

Both substances work similarly in the brain to produce a pleasurable and relaxing effect. As such, fentanyl addiction is highly likely and occurs quickly. Opioids like carfentanil and fentanyl bind to opioid receptors in the brain to activate the reward system. Because the results feel temporarily good, the brain craves more and soon becomes tolerant to that dose.

Health Risks of Carfentanil and Fentanyl

Although opioids feel good at first, they are far from beneficial for the body. Taking fentanyl or carfentanil has many dangerous physical and mental symptoms. You may experience the following fentanyl or carfentanil side effects:

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Being distracted or unable to process information as normal
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood changes

It takes far less carfentanil than fentanyl to experience these withdrawal symptoms, considering how much stronger it is.

Overdose Risk of Carfentanil and Fentanyl

The risk of overdose is high with both opioid drugs because of how potent they are. Along with the above unpleasant symptoms of fentanyl and carfentanil use, you may experience these overdose symptoms:

  • Slow breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slow heart rate
  • Decreasing circulation
  • Blue or grey skin
  • Blackouts
  • Coma
  • Death

A carfentanil overdose is an urgent concern that must be acted on and treated immediately. Long-term rehabilitation can help prevent a repeated occurrence.

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How to Stay Safe from Carfentanil and Fentanyl

In order to protect yourself from the dangers of carfentanil vs. fentanyl, be sure to follow these precautions.

Educate Yourself

People who take illicit substances face the risk of overdose because of polysubstance mixing. It’s not safe to take drugs that have been illegally created and sold, as they are likely laced with multiple ingredients. You can help protect against drug overdose by educating yourself on the dangers of illicit drug use.

Use Naloxone (Narcan) for an Overdose

If someone you know has overdosed and is showing symptoms, it’s imperative they immediately receive naloxone to reverse the effects. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan, is an opioid antagonist that fights against opioid poisoning. Naloxone kits are sold over the counter to help save lives.

Find a Treatment Center for Loved Ones

Most importantly, if you or someone you know is struggling with fentanyl abuse, they need to receive professional medical help. Finding the motivation to stop on your own is difficult, and implementing detox alone is nearly impossible. As soon as you try to break free from addiction on your own, you’ll be hit with intense withdrawal symptoms that cause many to relapse. We can help you find true healing from your opioid addiction at our drug rehabilitation centers.

Opioid Detox and Recovery Options

Because the risk of taking drugs laced with fentanyl is high, drug abuse is a dangerous situation to be trapped in. The best way to protect yourself is to enter treatment for substance addiction. At Aliya, we provide full-service rehabilitation for opioid addiction, regardless of whether it’s carfentanil vs. fentanyl or other drugs. Don’t stay stuck in a place of real danger to your health. Let us help you through fentanyl rehabilitation.

What Does a Methadone Clinic Do?

Methadone clinics are places where people overcome their addiction to opioids using medication-assisted treatment, specifically a drug called Methadone. Methadone clinics provide medication to help clients manage their dependency and withdrawal symptoms. Often, the most difficult part of quitting drugs is getting through withdrawal symptoms, like cravings for the drug. As such, treatment at a methadone clinic makes the process of reaching sobriety less challenging by diminishing withdrawal discomfort.

What Is a Methadone Clinic?

A methadone clinic is a drug rehabilitation program for those struggling with substance addiction. Particularly, those who have an opioid use disorder (OUD) can find relief from their symptoms through the medication methadone. Methadone is a synthetic opioid agonist that reduces symptoms of opioid addiction, such as cravings and withdrawal. Because it is long-acting, unlike other opioids like fentanyl, heroin, and oxycodone, it can adequately replace short-term drugs.

In a methadone clinic, which is a medical detoxification center, clients are administered methadone dosage according to their unique situation and needs. Typically, methadone is used as a long-term treatment for the maintenance of opioid withdrawal. Individuals may remain on a methadone medication plan for years. In this case, they will work with a doctor to ensure their dose remains correct to prevent dependency.

What Is Methadone Used For? 

As mentioned, methadone is a medication used to lessen opioid withdrawal symptoms to help people overcome opioid addiction. It also manages chronic pain, which sometimes goes hand-in-hand with drug abuse problems. It is common for people to self-medicate with substances but go too far as to develop a drug disorder.

How Do People Get Methadone?

Methadone is a Schedule II Controlled Substance, meaning it has a high potential for abuse. Thus, it must be administered by a medical professional for the treatment of opioid addiction or pain management.

How Does Methadone Affect the Brain?

As an opioid, methadone works similarly on the brain to other opioids like heroin and fentanyl. It changes the central nervous system’s response to pain by altering brain messaging. However, it doesn’t produce the fast-acting high that heroin and fentanyl do because methadone is a long-acting substance. One key difference is that it actually treats the discomfort caused by other opioids to negate their effects. Methadone blocks feelings of euphoria that other opioids create and reduces symptoms of craving and withdrawal on the comedown.

Is Methadone Dangerous?

Unfortunately, when methadone is used outside of its intended treatment, it has addictive properties that can lead to dependency. It will blunt the effect of other opioids, but when used with other substances, like methadone and alcohol, it can cause disinhibition. Some people may desire the effects of methadone. When abused, methadone has the danger of addiction.

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What Are the Signs of Methadone Addiction?

Although the effect of addiction will always vary from person to person, there tend to be common signs. These methadone overdose symptoms may indicate that someone is addicted to the opioid drug.

  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Changes to sex drive
  • Mood changes
  • Agitation
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Weight gain
  • Hallucinations
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Rapid heart rate

What Is Methadone Detox Like?    

Methadone detox is the right step for anyone who has abused methadone or other opioids. Depending on your circumstance, detoxification can remove traces of methadone from your body to help you achieve base sobriety. If you haven’t abused methadone but struggle with opioid addiction, detox will remove short-acting opioids from your body. Notably, methadone can be used as intended to alleviate withdrawal symptoms during the process.

Methadone Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal from opioids, long- and short-acting, may include the following temporary symptoms:

  • Agitation
  • Sweating
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiety
  • Aches and pains
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Low energy
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness

Methadone Detox Timeline

Detox tends to last between four and eight days, during which your health will be monitored. You may be given extra fluids and nutrients, along with comfort medication like methadone, to make withdrawal more comfortable. By the end, you will have reached a base degree of sobriety.

Preparing for Methadone Detox

The best way to prepare for detox is mentally. Know that you will be well-cared for with 24/7 supervision. Detox can be uncomfortable and difficult, but your medical team will make it as smooth as possible.

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Who Can Help with Methadone Detox?

A treatment center plays a large role in making the detox process feel safe and fast. Aliya’s detoxification facilities are comfortable locations with state-of-the-art equipment. Our medical care team is empathetic about making the detox experience as easy as it can be.

What Are the Benefits of a Methadone Detox Center?

Detoxing in a methadone clinic provides layers of protection that you won’t have if you try to detox alone. We monitor you around the clock to ensure your vitals remain healthy. Additionally, we can administer methadone to alleviate and distract from any withdrawal symptoms.

Helping a Loved One Find a Methadone Clinic

If your loved one is battling an opioid addiction, the best way to care for them is to help set them up in a methadone treatment center. As Aliya clients, they’ll be treated like a person with a unique issue, not like a disorder. Our medication-assisted treatment programming is always tailored to the individual and their needs. Rest assured that sobriety is possible through comprehensive treatment.

Other Tips for Recovering from Methadone

Recovering from opioids is much more than detoxing them from the system. After a person achieves sobriety in their body, they need to make sobriety a personal goal in their mind. Our treatment programming combines psychotherapy and holistic therapy to help clients realize the negative thoughts and habits that are trapping them in addiction. We help clients with a number of psychiatric resources.

Recovery Support Groups

Recovery support groups are pivotal in long-term sobriety maintenance after a drug us disorder. Traditional talk therapy is evidence-based for teaching clients to overcome triggers and prevent relapse. You can find support group meetings near you through Aliya.

Holistic Lifestyle Changes

Holistic therapy is equally as beneficial as traditional talk therapy. It focuses on healing the body, mind, and spirit. We teach clients holistic lifestyle changes they can continue after rehab, such as mindfulness, nutrition counseling, yoga, and nature therapy.

Family Resources

Individuals who are recovering from an opioid addiction strongly benefit from having family support. They need to know their loved ones stand by them in order to access their internal well of resilience. Explore these addiction recovery resources to better understand what your loved one is going through and help them end substance abuse and improve their mental health.

A methadone clinic can be the step that finally allows you to leave opioid addiction in the past. Medically-assisted treatment is a valuable tool in the fight against substance abuse. Methadone maintenance is something that only a professional addiction treatment center can provide.

Reach out today to reserve a spot at one of Aliya Health Group’s opioid treatment and detox facilities.

Breaking Free from Addiction: The Benefits of Drug Therapy

Medical drug therapy through a treatment provider is the best way to recover from addiction to substances. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a prevalent disorder that can develop in people, regardless of the type of substance they misuse. For example, prescription medications can lead to physiological dependence, just the same as illicit street drugs. Our licensed therapists and counselors will work with you to uncover the deeper reasons behind your addiction. Through therapy and counseling, you can find healing and make lasting sobriety a reality.

What Is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a fast result of abusing substances, regardless of whether they are prescription medications or illicit drugs. Although people don’t often realize it, drugs are highly addictive. Significantly, substances target chemical messengers in your brain to create a pleasurable effect that triggers the body’s reward system. Because substance use feels enjoyable, relaxing, sharpening, or euphoric, you want to continue taking drugs. Quickly, your body develops tolerance, so you must take more to get the original effect. Before long, you can become dependent in order to function normally.

There are multiple reasons why someone might become addicted to substances. These include genetics, predisposition, environment, history of mental illness, and family situation, among others. The DSM-5 is the United States’ classification system for mental and substance disorders. Substance use disorder (SUD) is included in the DSM-5 as a serious and prevalent issue.

What Drugs Are Addictive?

It’s a common misconception that certain drugs can’t lead to addiction, such as doctor-prescribed medications. In reality, most substances have the potential to be addictive. As mentioned, much of the process is determined by you as an individual and your risk factors. Prescription medications are addictive when misused outside of their prescribed use. Illicit street drugs are also highly addictive. Further, nicotine, marijuana, and alcohol are all substances that are included in substance use disorder research. As such, they can also lead to dependency that requires medical treatment.  


Opioids are pain relief drugs that can quickly lead to opioid addiction. Some forms of opioids are medical and can be prescribed by doctors, while other forms are created illegally in labs.


Stimulants are drugs that increase brain activity to create effects like mental clarity, focus, energy, and increased mood. They are often prescribed for ADHD but can be misused or sold illegally. Unfortunately, many people develop a stimulant addiction because they desire extra alertness in their brain.

Prescription Drugs  

Prescription drugs include painkillers, stimulants, and sedatives. Using prescription drugs outside of your prescribed dose or sharing medications is illegal and dangerous. Sadly, many people don’t realize how addictive prescription drugs can be and the life-altering effect they can have.

What Is a Drug Addiction Therapist?

Drug addiction therapists are experts at treating people who are battling substance addictions. Counseling for drug addiction includes a focus on both mental health and addiction because the issues are closely connected. Notably, a drug addiction therapist is a licensed therapist who specializes in providing healing for SUD. Addiction counselors work with individuals and groups, such as peer group therapy sessions. They can also meet with families and spouses to help them navigate through the pain of drug addiction as a unit.

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How Does Drug Therapy Help with Sobriety?

By using evidence-based therapy techniques, drug addiction counselors lead clients to explore the underlying causes of their addiction. Through conversations, they will gather information about the client’s background, family life, environment, and behaviors. They will explore the severity of their client’s condition, as well as their mental health. Together, individuals engage in psychotherapy to understand their negative patterns. Then, clients work with their counselors on healing techniques and practices. Therapy for drug addiction is an incredible step towards recovery. Even the act of talking through the emotional and physical grief of drug abuse is an effective piece of substance abuse therapy.

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Drug Abuse

As an important part of treatment, all clients attend psychotherapy sessions, both in an individual and group setting. Psychotherapy includes behavioral therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy for drug addiction. As part of psychotherapy, clients explore how to improve their negative patterns of thinking and behaving, emotional management, and the roots of their addiction.

Holistic Therapies for Drug Abuse

Holistic therapy for drug abuse is a whole-body treatment approach that provides mental, physical, and spiritual care. Through therapeutic activities and experiences, clients alleviate stress, learn new coping mechanisms, and enjoy activities they can continue after rehab.

Case Management for Drug Abuse

Each client is assigned a case manager who helps them work towards their recovery goals in concrete ways. Case management is a valuable tool to guide individuals toward a better treatment outcome. For example, your case manager will help you identify and achieve your needs, such as financial, resume, job, and housing help.

Aftercare for Drug Abuse

The final and extended stage of treatment is aftercare. Essentially, to some degree, treatment lasts as long as you want it to. This is because you are a member of Aliya’s supportive community for life, even as an alumnus. Individuals can graduate into Sober Living communities, attend regular peer support groups, and keep in touch with their case managers.

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Paying for Drug Addiction Therapy 

Unfortunately, paying for drug addiction therapy can present a large roadblock in the process of healing. We aim to make paying for treatment as possible as it can be. We’re happy to break down expected costs and help you understand your insurance. Additionally, we can speak with you about resources to help with payment outside your insurance.

Using Insurance for Rehab

Many of our clients are able to use their insurance to pay for treatment because we accept most major providers! If you aren’t sure what your policy includes, we would be happy to take a look on your behalf. Our intake team can verify your insurance and advise you on which expenses are covered and what you’d pay out-of-pocket. Simply call our admissions team today!

Private Pay

If you don’t have insurance or your policy doesn’t cover rehab services, rest assured that you can pay privately. We aim to remove any barriers to care that we can, so treatment is an option for everyone. Thus, we can recommend options for raising funding and exploring grants, scholarships, and Employer Assistance Programs (EAP). Also, we can walk you through payment plan options.

Other Options

As mentioned, we can advise you on additional options when it comes to funding your rehab. Above all, it’s important that every person who needs help can enter drug therapy. Please reach out with any questions today!

Help! I Need Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepines are potent medications that can be helpful when prescribed for mental health conditions, yet they are often abused. Unfortunately, this class of drugs can be illegally sourced with the intent to use benzos recreationally for their positive effects. Although it may seem harmless, benzodiazepine abuse can quickly spiral into forming a dependency on a medication. If you’re struggling with substance addiction, benzodiazepine addiction treatment is the straightest path to healing. Let’s explore the many benzodiazepine drugs and how a rehab center can help you.

What Is Benzodiazepine Addiction?

Benzodiazepines are a class of central nervous system depressant drugs. This means they work in the CNS, which is composed of the brain and spinal cord. By attaching to GABA-A receptors, they slow brain activity for a calming and relaxing effect. As such, benzodiazepines, or benzos, are commonly prescribed for anxiety disorders, seizures, sleep disorders, and panic disorders. Benzodiazepines are closely regulated and can only be legally obtained with a medical prescription. However, benzo prescription misuse is still an issue that can cause addiction.

Benzodiazepine addiction is a serious issue that affects the brain, making it difficult to quit. Because benzos bind to chemical messengers in the brain, they alter how your brain functions. Eventually, you will need benzos in order to function normally.

List of Benzodiazepines

Different benzodiazepines have differing properties. They range from short-acting to long-acting, vary in potency, and are prescribed for particular uses. Benzodiazepines include the following:

  • Alprazolam (Xanax)
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)
  • Diazepam (Valium)
  • Lorazepam (Ativan)
  • Flurazepam (Dalmane)
  • Quazepam (Doral)

Are Benzodiazepines Dangerous?

Taking benzodiazepines in a medical context for the treatment of your mental health condition doesn’t pose a danger to you. Although it’s true that benzos can be highly addictive, your doctor will set your prescription to prevent this. Along with prescribing a safe dosage for you, they can help you wean off of benzodiazepines if needed. Your doctor will also understand safe parameters. For instance, benzos are not meant to be a long-term treatment solution. They can be habit-forming and have adverse long-term effects on the brain and body. Further, mixing other substances with benzodiazepines, like weed and Xanax, can be dangerous. Mixed substances are more likely the longer you take your prescription.

Do I Need a Prescription for Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines must be sourced with a doctor’s prescription according to your specific circumstances. The standard process starts with getting diagnosed with a mental or behavioral health issue. Then, you can speak with your doctor or therapist about medication management options. While benzos can be helpful for people with anxiety disorders, panic disorders, sleep disorders, and other conditions, others shouldn’t mix. For example, individuals with borderline personality disorder shouldn’t take benzodiazepines because they can increase suicidal thoughts. Additionally, benzodiazepines aren’t recommended for the treatment of depression or substance use disorder (SUD), as they can worsen symptoms and make recovery more challenging. However, some benzos are used to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD) like Chlordiazepoxide and Diazepam.

For this reason, you should never source benzos without a prescription, such as trying to buy Xanax online.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Addiction?

Addiction looks different in each individual. However, there tend to be common signs and symptoms that indicate a person might be battling a dependency on benzodiazepines. Keep an eye out for these mental, physical, and behavioral signs in yourself or your loved one.

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Headaches
  • Changes in appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Risky behavior
  • Shopping around for doctors
  • Polysubstance use
  • Reduced mental ability, such as judgment and memory
  • Slow reaction time
  • Isolation
  • Falling behind on deadlines and responsibilities
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What Is Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Like?

Treatment for benzodiazepine addiction is a straightforward and safe solution to drug dependence. In our rehab program, clients move between levels of care as they advance in their treatment and find personal motivation to make a change. Clients engage in daily therapy sessions with both a traditional and holistic focus, find common ground with peers, and work on concrete goals with their case managers.

Benzodiazepine Detox

All clients with benzodiazepines in their body, when they start treatment,t begin with detoxification. It takes about 4-8 days to remove substances from the body. During this time, comfort medication can be administered on a case-to-case basis to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Inpatient Treatment for Benzodiazepine Addiction

Clients move into residential inpatient treatment to receive 24/7 care as they work towards lasting sobriety. They live in our comfortable housing situation, complete with amenities, nutritious meals, and holistic activity options. Along with participating in holistic therapy methods, clients attend daily sessions with therapists, counselors, and case managers. During sessions, they unpack the roots of their addiction and work towards their recovery plans.

Outpatient Treatment for Benzodiazepine Addiction

Outpatient treatment is the next stage of recovery, where individuals gain more independence to make sobriety a personal goal. Clients move out of the center but still attend daily sessions with their care team.

Aftercare for Benzodiazepine Addiction

After completing outpatient treatment, clients move into the aftercare stage. They continue to receive support but are not required to attend sessions in our facilities. As alumni, they can be as involved as they wish. Notably, we help them get connected into peer support groups, Sober Living housing, and organize regular sober community events.

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Benzo Addiction Recovery Options

You have many options available regarding what your rehabilitation looks like. Some clients aren’t able to move through the levels of care and instead enter treatment non-linearly. Similarly, we offer flexible treatment options like Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient for those with obligations at home. What’s important is ensuring you get care for your substance addiction and mental health.

Managing Anxiety

Many types of benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety disorders. Conversely, benzo addiction can create symptoms of anxiety and worsen current conditions. Feeling stuck in a drug addiction is stressful and can cause poor mental health. We want to help you manage your anxiety with our comprehensive care that provides both traditional and holistic therapy. Your mental health matters, so don’t stay stuck in your symptoms.

Holistic Treatment for Benzo Addiction

As part of our therapeutic healing methods, we provide a range of holistic therapy activities. These target your mind, body, and spirit to help you achieve total body wellness. Some of the therapies we offer are:

  • Sound therapy
  • Outdoor activity
  • Biofeedback
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Massage therapy
  • Nutrition counseling

Professional Drug Abuse Treatment Help

Entering a professional rehab facility for benzodiazepine addiction treatment is the most effective way to ensure your recovery. Facing a drug addiction feels like you’re putting your life on pause. We’d love to help you get your life moving again by helping you achieve a sober life free from addiction. We’re ready for your call, so please reach out today if you’re ready for a change.

Gabapentin Ruined My Life: What You Need to Know

Across our many drug rehabilitation centers, we hear a common story from clients: “Gabapentin ruined my life.” Tragically, experiencing life devastation due to a drug addiction is a recurring problem. Substance use can lead to catastrophe —personal, financial, relational, physical, mental, and professional. When it comes to gabapentin specifically, it can be highly addictive and brain-altering. No person should have to see their life ruined because of substances. The good news is no matter how much drug addiction has taken from you, you can remove its power. Treatment in a drug rehabilitation center will bring healing, self-resilience, and tools to pick yourself up to create lasting change in your life. It is never too late to recover from a substance disorder like gabapentin abuse.

What Is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin is a prescription drug in the class of gabapentinoids, which are psychotropic substances. They mimic the neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to send new messages to the central nervous system. Essentially, gabapentin balances abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Some studies indicate that it even leads the brain to produce more of the GABA chemical to still overactive neurons. Thus, gabapentin’s effect on the body is calming and relaxing. When abused, it can create a high. Additionally, it is often used in combination with other substances to produce a longer-lasting high.

Gabapentin’s brand name is Neurontin. Gabapentin and pregabalin (the other gabapentinoids) are often a first line of defense for epilepsy and nerve pain. In some people, gabapentin causes tiredness. In fact, sometimes it is confused for a narcotic drug because it is quite effective at improving sleep quality. Thus, another common misuse of gabapentin is individuals taking it to achieve sleepiness.

What Does Gabapentin Treat?

There are multiple gabapentin uses, both on-label and off-label. Gabapentin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat certain conditions, including postherpetic neuralgia, restless leg syndrome, and partial seizures. Each illness causes discomfort and pain and may be caused by imbalances in the brain. Regardless, the way gabapentin modifies brain messaging means it can reduce abnormal neuron activity that causes symptoms. Doctors can also prescribe it off-label to treat conditions where gabapentin is medically applicable. These include various nerve pain types, menopausal symptoms, sleep disorders, and anxiety.

Gabapentin for Anxiety

As mentioned, there are off-label treatments of gabapentin for anxiety. Because the substance calms overexcited and imbalanced chemicals in the brain, it can effectively reduce anxiety symptoms. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental disorder where the individual experiences a consistent symptom cycle of worry, stress, fear, and discomfort. GAD can be debilitating when severe and reduce one’s quality of life. Consequently, gabapentin as a treatment may offer hope when prescribed and monitored by a professional. However, individuals may try to self-medicate their anxiety with gabapentin, which is extremely dangerous. Not only can they cause permanent damage to their brain and body, but they can develop an addiction. They put themselves at risk of overdose and polysubstance mixing. The best treatment for GAD is mental health rehab through a recovery center.

How Can Gabapentin Ruin Your Life?

As mentioned, there are many risks associated with gabapentin misuse because this strong medical drug has potent effects. Is gabapentin addictive? Yes, it is highly addictive and can happen quickly. Notably, you can become dependent within a few weeks, depending on your risk factors and the dosage you take. Gabapentin abuse is dangerous, yet reports of misuse show the drug is becoming popular. This is likely because it produces similar effects to opioids, which are the leading cause of overdose.

In fact, there is an increasing number of individuals who mix opioids and gabapentinoids to experience a more potent high. The depressant effect on the central nervous system can lead to hypoventilation, confusion, and death. Mixing opioids and a moderate to high dose of gabapentin has a 60% increased risk of an overdose death compared to opioids alone. Chiefly, gabapentin can ruin your life by ending it.

Signs and Symptoms of Gabapentin Abuse

There are particular signs and symptoms that may indicate someone is abusing drugs. Additionally, gabapentin has its own indicators that someone is addicted to the medication. Keep an eye out for these side effects of gabapentin abuse:

  • Constant sleepiness
  • Trouble balancing
  • Disorientation
  • Flulike symptoms
  • Lightheadedness
  • Slow speech
  • Tremors
  • Mood swings, including periods of depression or anxiety
  • Cravings for gabapentin
  • Skipping events and activities
  • Doctor shopping
  • Suicidal thoughts
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What Is Gabapentin Treatment Like?

Prescription drug addiction is a serious issue that will keep escalating until you make the choice to receive treatment. Once you’re ready to begin recovery, professional treatment is the most surefire way to ensure you heal for good. During gabapentin treatment at Aliya, you begin by detoxing gabapentin’s toxins from your body. Throughout the next levels of care, you’ll engage in daily therapy and counseling sessions to unpack the roots of your addiction. In a combination of traditional psychotherapy and holistic activities, you will explore your mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy are psychotherapies we implement at Aliya. They help individuals identify negative patterns of thought and behavior in order to replace them with healthy coping mechanisms. Above all, you will learn valuable skills for managing your triggers, taking care of your biopsychosocial health, and preventing relapse for a sober future.

Symptoms of Gabapentin Withdrawal

Gabapentin withdrawal is an uncomfortable experience, much like the withdrawal period with any substance. Medical detoxification is the best way to get through it. You will receive 24/7 medical monitoring and care to reduce the pain as much as possible. Symptoms of withdrawal may include:

  • Cravings
  • Headaches
  • Restlessness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure

All in all, the safest way to undergo detoxification to overcome physical drug dependence is to enter a recovery facility. Using a dual diagnosis approach, an addiction treatment center can help you get through withdrawal symptoms and learn relapse prevention skills to use in the future. Aliya treatment centers also offer treatment programs with holistic therapies and can help you find sober living during outpatient rehab. There are serious side effects to drug and alcohol abuse.

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Drug Abuse Treatment at Aliya Health Group

Gabapentin is a powerful substance that can truly ruin your life if you become addicted. We don’t want anyone to struggle with the devastation caused by substance use disorders. We offer comprehensive levels of care, from detoxification to inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and aftercare. Please don’t hesitate to become part of our sober community by entering rehab to find healing.


How to Get Through Weed Detox with the Right Help

Often, cannabis use feels harmless at first, especially if you only intend to smoke casually. However, over time, many people realize they are trapped by their dependency on weed. They’ll face cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. Truthfully, stopping on your own is extremely difficult. The best way to successfully quit using marijuana is to receive medical help through a rehab facility. Overcoming addiction starts with a marijuana detox and then empowers individuals to stay sober by unpacking the mental and emotional impact of drug use. Notably, we can help you recover from weed dependency using a holistic care model that focuses on healing for your whole self.

What Is Marijuana Dependency?

Marijuana refers to the parts of the cannabis plant that contain the psychoactive ingredient THC. Its origin, the cannabis plant, is used both medically and recreationally, depending on the part of the plant used. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is the non-psychoactive form of weed. It’s a common belief that weed is not addictive and that a person can’t become dependent on it. However, the truth is marijuana is highly addictive. A cannabis dependency works similarly to other drugs because it triggers responses in the brain that feel good.

How Do People Get Hooked on Weed?

Marijuana stimulates positive brain chemicals that produce effects like relaxation and euphoria. By stimulating the reward sensors, the brain associates marijuana with strong positive feelings, leading the individual to desire more. Over time, they become dependent on CBD, so they have to keep ingesting more. Marijuana dependency leads to marijuana addiction, where the person has withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop.

Weed is a popular drug for adults and adolescents alike. Many young adults try weed recreationally but develop an addiction. Additionally, marijuana is a popular gateway substance. This means it’s one of the first drugs people use that leads them to experiment with harder substances like opioids.

Are Casual Weed Smokers Dependent?

It is possible to develop a weed dependency if you use marijuana regularly enough. The exact consumption factors that lead to addiction depend on the person. Smoking casually but infrequently doesn’t always lead to dependence. Yet, nobody has started using marijuana with the intention of becoming addicted. Addiction is a downward spiral that isn’t apparent until it’s too late.

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What Is Weed Detox?

In order to quit smoking weed, you have to overcome your dependence. However, this is challenging because your brain has adapted to need marijuana in order to function normally. Thus, every time you try to quit you’ll be hit with strong withdrawal symptoms that try to draw you back in. The most challenging part of overcoming marijuana addiction isn’t the long-term urges but the immediate effects of trying to quit. The best way to succeed at quitting CBD is to detoxify cannabis from your body. Medical detox in a treatment facility ensures you are safe and comfortable while you detox cannabis toxins.

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms 

Uncomfortable weed withdrawal symptoms are effective at keeping people trapped in marijuana addiction. This is because they can only be alleviated by taking more of the substance. Withdrawal symptoms that you may face if you attempt to detox at home include:

  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Loss of appetite
  • Physical aches and pains
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Fever
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

The only safe way to detox from marijuana is through a professional medical treatment. We provide cannabis detox in our rehab facilities. Our medical team stays present to monitor your health during the process. They will make the experience more comfortable and safer and can provide vitamins and nutrients to keep your body strong. Additionally, some clients can receive comfort medications during detoxification to reduce painful withdrawal symptoms.

What Is the Weed Detox Timeline?

Marijuana detox lasts between 4-8 days. After, it’s time to learn coping skills and relapse prevention motivation to stay sober through therapy and counseling programs.

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Tips for Getting Through Marijuana Withdrawal

Beating lingering marijuana withdrawal symptoms (like cravings) is tough. Yet, there are a few proven steps you can take to help make the process easier. As part of our rehab programming, we ensure each element is a strong part of our client’s healing experience.

Stick to a Routine

You might find yourself experiencing cravings in accordance with your old habits, especially when you’re not doing much. It can help you make a new routine that keeps your mind and body busy. Routine can play a pivotal role in keeping you on track with your goals.

Diet and Exercise

Addiction places stress on the body, but both diet and exercise can help reduce stress so that you can bounce back quicker. Often, substance addiction depletes the body of essential nutrients. Focus on fueling yourself with healthy ingredients in order to minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Further, regular movement and exercise promote overall health but are also shown to have positive effects on cannabis withdrawal.

Building a Support System

Having a support system is crucial for your overall physical and mental health, but it’s especially important when you’re healing from addiction. When you’re in treatment for substance abuse, you’ll unpack some heavy topics, like the reasons why you began using drugs. Your counselors and therapists will be valuable resources. They’ll be happy to talk with you as you uproot feelings and emotions. However, it’s also important to have a daily support system you can turn to with questions and thoughts. One amazing part of rehabilitation is the strong connections clients make with their peers. Through group therapy, shared experiences, and time spent together, you’ll form links with people who truly understand what you’re dealing with.

Professional Help for Weed Detox 

We can help you stop smoking weed, even if you’ve tried it before or feel as though it’s impossible. There’s no shame in struggling with cannabis use and admitting you need help. We offer services to rid weed from your body and teach you more about the roots of your dependency. Through traditional and holistic therapy, we’ll teach you valuable skills to use when you get the urge to smoke so you can stay off weed. Reach out if you’re ready to learn how professional care in a treatment center can be the final step to marijuana abstinence.

How to Recognize Fake M30 Oxycodone Pills

Fake M30 pill use is on the rise, presenting new dangers to youths and adults alike. Oxycodone is a prescription medication that is prescribed for pain, including chronic pain, post-surgery relief, and fractures. Using your doctor-prescribed legal dose reduces the risks of developing dependence on the drug. Yet, Oxycodone can be sourced illegally for recreational use and self-medication. For example, many people use Oxycodone and other prescription opioids and benzodiazepines without authorization. OxyContin, Xanax, Percocet, and Adderall are all popular drugs that are commonly misused. In order to source them, individuals turn to e-commerce sites and friend networks to find affordable options. And yet, counterfeit M30 pills contain mixed ingredients that can lead to overdose.

What Is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a narcotic analgesic, meaning it’s a prescription painkiller. Doctors prescribe Oxycodone for pain ranging from mild to severe, including injuries, childbirth pain relief, and cancer pain. It is sold under the brand name OxyContin, as well as Percocet, which combines Oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is also an opioid antagonist, meaning it acts similar to an opioid by stimulating the brain’s reward centers. As such, it’s highly possible to develop an oxycodone addiction that spirals from tolerance to dependence.

How Do People Get Oxycodone?

Since Oxycodone is a prescription medication, it can be sourced through your doctor or therapist with a prescription that can be fulfilled at the pharmacy. However, illicit Oxycodone can be sourced online, such as through dark web drug markets or social media.

What Do Oxycodone Pills Look Like? 

In order to understand the difference between real and fake pills, it’s important to understand: What does Oxycodone look like? It comes in a variety of bright colors, and each pill contains markings that identify it. Tablets are circle and bar-shaped.

M30 Oxycodone Pills

M30 oxycodone pills are counterfeit pills containing fentanyl or methamphetamine in combination with Oxycodone. They look nearly identical to the real pills.

Is Oxycodone Addictive?

Because of Oxycodone’s powerful effect on the brain, oxycodone use can quickly spiral into addiction. Like other opioids, regular oxycodone use can lead you to become resistant to the initial effects of the drug. With Oxycodone, these effects include pain relief, shallow breathing, and euphoria from the “high.” If you are prescribed Oxycodone for pain, your doctor will help you manage your dose, including dose increases, to prevent dependence. However, if you use Oxycodone recreationally, the powerful effects can overtake your body and trap you in a dangerous pattern of addiction.

Opioid Overdose Statistics

Oxycodone is a fairly popular choice of recreational opioid drug due to the long-acting high it produces. In fact, OxyContin is a controlled-release tablet that lasts for 12 hours, making it a common choice to crush or snort for fast results. However, abusing substances in this way is seriously dangerous because it floods the body with all the effects of the drug at once. Statistics show that opioid abuse is a severe issue across the world. In fact, the opioid crisis continues to have a devastating impact. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recorded over 93,300 overdose deaths in 2020, which is higher than ever before. From 1999 to 2023, synthetic opioid deaths increased 103-fold. Further, some substance use disorders (SUD) go hand in hand. Unfortunately, Oxycodone is also a gateway drug to heroin, as the two act in similar ways on the body.

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What Are the Dangers of Fake Oxycodone?

Fake oxycodone pills are a rising issue that adds new dangers to substance experimentation and abuse. Clearly, they are dangerous for multiple reasons. Fake M30 oxycodone often contains deadly amounts of fentanyl. People who take fake oxycodone don’t understand how they’re mixing substances or to what extent. As a result, they can easily overdose. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 70 percent of fentanyl-laced pills are potentially lethal in dosage. Additionally, fake oxycodone doesn’t undergo quality testing and can have dangerous effects on the body.

How To Identify Fake M30 Oxycodone Pills

Although M30 pills look like realistic oxycodone pills, they are laced with dangerous additional substances—most commonly methamphetamine and fentanyl. Yet, it’s incredibly difficult to tell the difference between real and fake pills. Drug trafficking organizations mimic the look of M30s down to the color and markings. As such, the only way to ensure your substances are real is to source them from a pharmacy with a prescription from your doctor.

What Do Real Oxycodone Pills Look Like?

Real oxycodone M30 pills are brown, but depending on the dose, they come in white, blue, pink, yellow, grey, and green tablets. They contain markings that show the dose and pill type.

Where Do People Get Fake Pills?

Unfortunately, students and young people are a large part of the market for illicit oxycodone pills. As such, many fake M30 oxycodone pills are sourced through social media, friend referrals, online marketplaces, and dark web drug sites.

Opioid Addiction Treatment Options

You’re not alone in feeling stuck in the cycle of substance abuse. Some people fall into the trap of prescription drug misuse because they believe it will help them excel in school. Others use them recreationally or to self-medicate their feelings. Opioids are dangerous because of their high risk of addiction and overdose. Significantly, our opioid detox centers are safe places where individuals learn to heal from their pain and achieve sobriety from drugs. Through a proven combination of traditional and holistic therapies, our substance abuse treatment provides you with the tools you need to heal.

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Who Can Help with Ketamine Withdrawal?

Ketamine is a powerful substance that has mind-altering effects and psychological withdrawal symptoms. It can feel impossible to remove the grip of ketamine from your life. The best place to achieve a total body detox from ketamine is in a rehab treatment center. At Aliya’s nationwide facilities, we provide ketamine withdrawal treatment that emphasizes holistic recovery. Because each person is so much more than their struggles, our treatment focuses on mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. As such, we provide a comprehensive continuum of care that includes detox, inpatient rehab, and outpatient treatment. 

Ketamine Detox

Our first stage of recovery is detoxification, which removes the toxins from ketamine from the body. Because withdrawal can be intense and painful, it’s not safe to attempt it at home. Instead, in a medical facility, you will be monitored for on-track healing 24/7. Detox and acute withdrawal symptoms generally last about eight days.

Inpatient Treatment for Ketamine Abuse

After detox, clients move into residential inpatient treatment, where they live in a center and begin therapy for holistic recovery. Through group and individual sessions, clients unpack the background of their addiction struggle and learn relapse prevention skills. Further, they participate in traditional and holistic therapy options.

Outpatient Treatment for Ketamine Abuse

Clients gain more independence in outpatient treatment, starting by moving out of the center and commuting in for daily sessions. They also cut back on hours spent in treatment so they can start resuming a new normal. Yet, they continue therapy sessions and skill training, such as trigger management.

Treatment isn’t daunting, and there’s no shame in needing help. If you’re ready to overcome ketamine withdrawal, reach out to our intake team today.

I Need Help with Ketamine Withdrawal

Ketamine is a powerful substance with medical indications, yet it is also abused as a recreational drug. Once someone becomes dependent on ketamine, it’s a rapid and repetitive cycle of addiction and withdrawal. The only safe way to overcome ketamine dependency is medical ketamine withdrawal treatment in a rehabilitation facility. You’ve come to the right place if you need help with ketamine withdrawal. Our treatment centers target healing for ketamine abuse.

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a strong painkiller. Technically, it’s a dissociative anesthetic, which means it creates a sense of removal from pain. Often, ketamine is used in veterinary surgery and as a human sedative. Ketamine can be used to treat mood disorders, including major depressive disorder. Notably, ketamine therapy has gained traction as a medically supervised therapeutic treatment. Unfortunately, ketamine is also illicitly used as a dangerous recreational drug that distances individuals from feeling present in their bodies.

Is Ketamine Addictive?

Yes, ketamine is highly addictive because it’s easy to become tolerant and then dependent after a short period. When used medically, doctors will monitor doses to prevent tolerance and can help clients wean off the drug when necessary. However, recreational ketamine use increases your risk of addiction because of a lack of dose control.

What Is Ketamine Withdrawal?

Ketamine withdrawal is the process an individual experiences when they are dependent on ketamine and go too long without it. Ketamine withdrawal symptoms begin when a person tries to stop taking the drug. Because withdrawal is so painful and uncomfortable, it makes it nearly impossible to quit on your own. One characteristic of ketamine is that withdrawal from the substance doesn’t produce many physical effects but has intense psychological symptoms. The brain can become severely hooked on painkillers, making withdrawal feel life-threatening.

Physical Symptoms of Ketamine Withdrawal

Withdrawal from ketamine abuse has adverse physical effects on the body that feel uncomfortable and worrisome. Symptoms can include:

  • Nausea
  • Tremors
  • Exhaustion
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Impaired physical coordination
  • Trouble breathing
  • Seizures
Psychological Symptoms of Ketamine Withdrawal

Many withdrawal symptoms of ketamine are psychological because of the strong effect the drug has on the brain. Anyone who has used ketamine has experienced an altering of the chemical messengers in the brain. Part of the detox process is working to reset brain functioning back to normal. Yet, you will likely experience psychological symptoms, including:

  • Cravings
  • Agitation
  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Memory problems
  • Dysphoria
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Thoughts of suicide
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Ketamine Withdrawal Timeline

Because ketamine is a powerful anesthetic substance, it produces a strong physical and psychological dependency. Withdrawal symptoms will likely begin after 24 hours without the drug and can continue for days or weeks without treatment. Ketamine addiction withdrawal is broken into two distinct phases, yet the peak stage is also categorized as a significant phase of detox.

Acute Phase of Ketamine Withdrawal

Acute withdrawal refers to the first emergence of symptoms a short period after your last ketamine dose. It usually starts about 24 hours later. A common characteristic of early withdrawal symptoms is they produce the opposite effects of the drug. This can feel like a shock to the system. Markedly, how long the acute withdrawal lasts depends largely on the type of substance you’ve been taking. For ketamine, more abundant use will have a longer withdrawal timeline, but it will be between days and weeks.

Peak Stage of Ketamine Withdrawal

The peak stage of withdrawal is often the hardest part to get through. Symptoms that have been building finally peak in intensity. During the peak withdrawal phase, individuals will feel the most sick and uncomfortable. Comfort medications administered through a medical detox facility can help alleviate symptoms. When the peak stage happens depends on the drug and the individual, but generally between 40-70 hours after the last dose.

Protracted Ketamine Withdrawal

Protracted withdrawal, also called post-acute or extended withdrawal, is symptoms that continue after the detox timeline. Some individuals experience symptoms that return after they complete acute detox. Extended withdrawal can sometimes last for a year or more. Unfortunately, a huge concern of protracted withdrawal is that it can lead to relapse due to the return of cravings. Having the right foundation of rehabilitation, such as relapse prevention skills, reduces the risk of drug relapse.

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Who Can Help with Ketamine Withdrawal?

Ketamine is a powerful substance that has mind-altering effects and psychological withdrawal symptoms. It can feel impossible to remove the grip of ketamine from your life. The best place to achieve a total body detox from ketamine is in a rehab treatment center. At Aliya’s nationwide facilities, we provide ketamine withdrawal treatment that emphasizes holistic recovery. Because each person is so much more than their struggles, our treatment focuses on mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. As such, we provide a comprehensive continuum of care that includes detox, inpatient rehab, and outpatient treatment. 

Ketamine Detox

Our first stage of recovery is detoxification, which removes the toxins from ketamine from the body. Because withdrawal can be intense and painful, it’s not safe to attempt it at home. Instead, in a medical facility, you will be monitored for on-track healing 24/7. Detox and acute withdrawal symptoms generally last about eight days.

Inpatient Treatment for Ketamine Abuse

After detox, clients move into residential inpatient treatment, where they live in a center and begin therapy for holistic recovery. Through group and individual sessions, clients unpack the background of their addiction struggle and learn relapse prevention skills. Further, they participate in traditional and holistic therapy options.

Outpatient Treatment for Ketamine Abuse

Clients gain more independence in outpatient treatment, starting by moving out of the center and commuting in for daily sessions. They also cut back on hours spent in treatment so they can start resuming a new normal. Yet, they continue therapy sessions and skill training, such as trigger management.

Treatment isn’t daunting, and there’s no shame in needing help. If you’re ready to overcome ketamine withdrawal, reach out to our intake team today.